Bare Knuckle Brawl (Kinda)

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Ichigo's vision became clear as the world digitizing in front of him took the shape of Karakura Town.

Ichigo: Is this Karakura Town?

Ginjo: Cool, huh? I chose an environment you're used to fighting in. Aren't you happy? Things are now even.

"It's not even when it's a 3 on 1."

Behind Ichigo was (Y/N) and Uryu. (Y/N) was healing the wound Uryu received from Tsukishima.

Uryu: Kurosaki... (Y/N)... I have to apologize to you two. Right after we returned from saving Kuchiki in the Soul Society, You both told us about the Combat Pass. That's when I got the idea that a Substitute Shinigami must have existed before you. And that he probably went missing. If he was alive, they should have let you know. If he was dead, they should have told you why. But the fact that they did neither means that even the Soul Society probably didn't know. I should have told you this when I thought of it.

Ichigo: Ishida...

Ichigo then kicked Uryu in the back.

Uryu: What the hell, Kurosaki?!

Ichigo: Who cares? Even if you told me about it back then, I couldn't have prepared for this! I probably would've forgotten about it, anyway!

(Y/N): And if I'm being honest, I figured it out a few months ago.

Ichigo: I'm not surprised. Anyways, stop dwelling on things that are over! Idiot!

Uryu: *whisper* Like he doesn't dwell on things...

(Y/N): *whispers back* I know right...

Ichigo: What are you talking about?

Uryu and (Y/N): Nothing.

Ichigo: Whatever, let's do this.


Calavera and Rukia were surrounded by giant stuffed animals and pastries.

Calavera: Where in the world are we?

Rukia: I'm not sure.

Rukia then shouted.

Rukia: Where are you?! Show yourself!

As she said that, many of the stuffed animals started to come to life and dogpile Rukia and Calavera.

Rukia: Damn you! ... Don't... Don't think you can tempt me with these things!

Rukia shouted as she caught a few of the stuffed animals, gushing over them in the process

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Rukia shouted as she caught a few of the stuffed animals, gushing over them in the process.

Calavera simply evaded any that came her way.

Calavera: As cute as they may be, they're not cuter than me or Calavera Jr.

(Meanwhile) (F/N) POV

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