Connecting the Dots

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Everyone looked confused as they watched (Y/N)'s face turn into one of slight distress.

Chad: Whatever's being said seems to be bothering (Y/N).

Uryu: I can hear shouting on the other end but I can't make out what's being said...

Just then, (Y/N) ended the call and turned to the group.

(Y/N): Bad news... Things got even worse.

Ichigo: What? Is there a third arrancar on the loose?

(Y/N): No... A captain class shinigami escaped Muken and is on the loose.

Everyone in the shop was taken aback by the news. The first one to speak up was Ichigo.

Ichigo: Hold up. You're not talking about-

(Y/N): No... I doubt it's Aizen... Soi-Fon would've been direct about the identity if she was. Unfortunately I don't know who it is, but apparently he wears a Squad 11 Captain coat. She said both her and Yoruichi will be here soon so we'll get more info there.

Urahara: A being who escaped Muken wearing a Squad 11 Captain coat, huh? Only one person fits that description.

Orihime: Do you know this person, Mr. Urahara?

Urahara: Not personally, though I've met their Zanpakuto spirit before.

Ichigo: Then who is this person?

Urahara: Soya Azashiro, The eighth Kenpachi.

The reality of the situation really made itself known the moment Urahara mentioned the name Kenpachi.

(Y/N): Are you sure?

Urahara: Positive. I couldn't mistake someone like that in a million years.

Ichigo: He must be a dangerous guy if he landed himself into the Muken. Isn't that where Aizen got sent?

Urahara: Yeah... The Muken is the place where only the most heinous criminals go.

"And Muken is the most guarded place outside of the Royal Palace in the Soul Society."

Coming out of a Senkaimon was Yoruichi and Soi-Fon.

Yoruichi: It seems like he hasn't found his way here...

(Y/N): Yoruichi. Soi-Fon. What exactly happened while you were in the Soul Society?

Yoruichi: Szayelaporro's attack on the Department of R&D dropped some of the barriers in Muken, which allowed Kenpachi Azashiro to escape Muken. Thankfully he's the only one to escape from our knowledge.

Soi-Fon: We need to find him and return him to the Muken as fast as possible. In his brief escape he already made contact with the Omaeda clan and infiltrated a captain meeting undetected and left just as easily.

Uryu: That's impossible!

(Y/N): The Omeada Clan? Are they strong? Lieutenant Omaeda seems to be held back by fear so I don't know how strong he is...

Yoruichi: Marechiyo's father, Marenoshin, was actually my lieutenant back in the day. Once I was exiled and Soi-Fon took my place as Captain, Marenoshin stayed as the Lieutenant for Squad 2. When he retired, Marechiyo took his place. Marenoshin is a very skilled practitioner in Kido. Obviously, he's not at the same level as Tessai and Hachigen but I'd say he's one of the better ones out there.

Soi-Fon: Unfortunately not even Marenoshin's Bakudo spells were enough to keep Azashiro contained.

(Y/N): He's that strong, huh? What exactly did this "Azashiro" do to get thrown in the Muken?

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