(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...
Team Karakura Town sat on some debris and rubble as they pondered on their friend's sudden betrayal. Orihime decided to check up on everyone to take her mind off of things.
Orihime: Oh, wow... That was some ride. It blew us and Santenkesshun away. Hope you guys didn't bump your head or anything...
There wasn't a reply from Ichigo nor (Y/N).
Chad: Ichigo. (Y/N). We're just as shocked as you are. But this is Ishida we're talking about. He must've had a very good reason to join their side.
Ichigo: Yeah, I know... I knew it all along... It's been on my mind ever since this war began. If this is a battle between Shinigamis and Quincies, that would make me and Ishida enemies. But we've always fought side by side. Ishida is... He's our friend.
(Y/N): ...I was hoping Uryu would've stayed neutral in all of this. I tried not to think about it because I wasn't sure why Uryu would've done... I wanted to believe in him as his friend but Uryu has always been prideful about being a Quincy. Sometimes it's hard to tell what he's thinking... If he made this choice, then he has to be planning something. Whether that's a way to help us or somehow bridge the gap between Shinigami and Quincies, I don't know. But I don't think Uryu would betray us without saying anything...
Chad: In that case, we know what we have to do.
Calavera: Yeah. We just have to drag four-eyes back to our side!
Ichigo: Let's go after him and hear what he has to say! If his answers aren't good enough... I'll kick his ass and drag him back!
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(Y/N): I'm with you there.
"This is where you were...."
(Y/N): Huh?
(Y/N) turned around and saw Shinji and Soi-Fon walking towards them.
(Y/N): What are you guys doing here?
Shinji: We were heading over to assist Captain Kuchiki and the others but we ran into you guys on the way there.
Soi-Fon: But before that...
Soi-Fon grabbed (Y/N)'s arm.
Soi-Fon: ...Come with me...
Soi-Fon dragged (Y/N) away from the group.
(Y/N): What did you need to talk about? It seems important if you had to drag me away from everyone else.
Soi-Fon: Are you alright?
(Y/N): Huh? Of course I-
Soi-Fon: I know you found out about Captain Unohana's passing. Shinji knew you would've found out the moment you went to assist him. And we both felt your spiritual pressure get out of control when you got there. Not only that, your friend joined the enemy... So let me ask you again. Are you alright?