The Reaper and the Bumblebee

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After his fight with Yushiro, (Y/N) made his way to his group of friends. Yushiro tried persuading (Y/N) to stick around for a bit longer, but unfortunately, (Y/N) plans got in the way. (Y/N) did promise Yushiro that he'd make it a point to visit Yushiro again during his next visit to the Soul Society.

(Y/N) realized he was close to running late.

(Y/N): *thinking* So much for checking up on everyone...

(Y/N) decided to make his way to the Squad 4 barracks, however on his way, (Y/N) ran into a familiar Captain.

(Y/N): Soi-Fon?

Soi-Fon stopped in her tracks as she heard (Y/N)'s voice. Soi-Fon turned around, now seeing (Y/N).

Soi-Fon: (Y/N)? I had a feeling you'd be here...

(Y/N): You did? What gave it away?

Soi-Fon: I saw Ichigo earlier. So I assumed you'd be here as well.

(Y/N): I see...




There was an awkward silence.

(Y/N): *thinking* Alright, (Y/N)... Don't chicken out now... You've already ignored her for the entire week since the whole situation happened.



(Y/N): I didn't bring you here so that you could kill yourself! I can't lose you-


Soi-Fon: I... I want to but... One mistake and I'll lose you forever-


They both heard the other. It was only a matter of time until they had to talk about the elephant in the room. Sure, nobody wants to lose a friend or family. But (Y/N) knew exactly what he meant when he said what he said.

Though he wasn't sure if Soi-Fon felt the same.

(Y/N): S-say, can I talk to you in private?

Soi-Fon: Sure.


After a minute of walking, (Y/N) and Soi-Fon found a more secluded spot to talk.

Soi-Fon: This seems good enough. Now then, what was it you wanted to talk about?

(Y/N) felt the sweat pouring down his forehead. The nervousness was starting to get to him.

(Y/N): *thinking* Get it together. When have you ever been nervous to talk to people? You asked her on a date before, this should be easy!

(Y/N) took a deep breath as he built the courage to speak.

(Y/N): I won't beat around the bush. Soi-Fon, I like you...

Soi-Fon: W-wait a minute, where is this coming from?

Soi-Fon was a blushing mess at the moment. Sure, (Y/N) was usually straightforward about what he thought about her, but she was honestly shocked to hear this revelation.

Soi-Fon: Do you mean... romantically?

(Y/N): Yes. It's been something that's been on my mind for a while, but as of right now, I can't really see myself dating anyone else besides you.




Soi-Fon: Explain.

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