Chapter 11: The hippie machine & The tickel war

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"UGH, WHAT KIND OF HIPPIE MACHINE IS THIS?" I yell frustrated at the flash drive thingie that wouldn't fit into my laptop. Jack burst out into laughter and collapsed on the floor. "Hippie machine?" He said after finally catching his breath.

"Yes, hippie machine, thingerhosey, thingamobob, infernal contraption, Would you like me to continue?" I ask trying to once again shove the flash drive into my Mac.
Why was it not fitting? Argh.

I grunted and collapsed backward into my bed. I stared up at the nice white marble ceiling when an idea popped into my head.

"Want to play a game?" I asked bending down so that I was facing Jack who was laying on the ground.

"I'm pretty sure we're too old to play hide and seek, Scar." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No, like a detective game. Like if one of us solves the murder first then the other has to do whatever they want for a week." I said giggling.

Ew. I hate it when I giggle.

"So like it pushes us to do better and actually work harder in solving the murder?" Jack asked sitting up. I slouched down next to him.

"Yeah, like what they do in one of those detective novels on wattpad." I said.

He instantly burst into laughter. And unfortunately Jack has a laugh that's as contagious as Ebola. After we finished laughing and catching our breaths I asked why he was laughing.

"I can't believe you, Scarlett Grayson, top spy at the agency reads wattpad!"

That hit so many nerves. I pushed him to the ground and started tickling him in his stomach.

"S-stop! Scar! Ahhhhhh!" He screamed as I tickled him some more.

He flipped me over so now he was the one tickling me.

"O-okay! Okay! Ahhh! Jack!" I screamed between laughing and gasping for air.
"Oh no you're not getting away now!" He said picking me up and dropping me onto the bed. I screamed as I fell onto a pile of fluffy blankets and pillows. He jumped up and landed right on me.

"OH MY GOD JACK, YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME! NOW THE AGENCY WILL HAVE TWO MURDERS TO SOLVE!" I gasped as he finally got off of me and laid down next to me.

It took me a couple seconds to catch my breath and to make sure I wasn't hyperventilating.

"I hate you so much right now." I said turning towards him.

"You're the one who started this tickle war." He said inching his hand closer to my stomach.

"No! Jack I swear if you tickle me again-" too late he was already reaching down to tickle me but I ran out of the room and he ran after me.

Since Callie, Bryan, and Melissa were out for a brunch and meeting with the senator they wouldn't be back until 9 and it was only 10 am. Which means I have this glorious house to Jack and I.

I raced down the stairs and into the living room. He finally caught up to me and lifted off of the ground.

"Jack! Let me go!" I screamed, playfully slapping his back as he carried me back up stairs and dropped mr once again on the bed.
"Damn girl, your heavy." He commented and I punched his arm. He winced and rubbed his arm.

Sometimes I wished we could be like this all the time. Like normal teenagers who didn't have the pressure of defusing a bomb or fighting for their lives on an everyday basis, but hey it comes with the whole package folks!

"Have we both agreed that I have won this war?" I said propping myself up in one elbow so I was staring down at Jack.

"Like hell! No one can defeat me!" He says tickling me again.

And the whole day we just laughed our asses off, forgetting about the world around us.

I know I just published a part maybe a couple hours ago, but I was really in the mode to write something funny and light hearted, so I decided why not write another chapter?
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope it made you smile or laugh.

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