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"Well...there's nothing special about me...I've never been good at school and I've never had any talents...I'm scared that this is the way my life's gonna stay. Always asking for help and not being able to help when people need it...I can't stand thinking about it...

But then I met you, Mami. And you showed me what it's like to stand up for people and really help them. And then, when I found out that I might be able to do the same thing, I don't think I've been happier in my life.

And that's my wish, 'cause if I could become a magical girl, it'd be a dream come true for me. I might not be good at anything, but if I could help out people like you, I could be proud of the way I live.

That's the best thing I could wish for."

-Kaname Madoka

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