Chapter 3: The Girl with the Chocolately Brown Eyes

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The next few days were like hell at home, but certainly nothing like Monday.

All we heard was dad in his office yelling to someone on his phone. I head a few beer bottles break but he never came outside of his office.

Thursday he brought home a girl in skimpy clothes and matted hair. I'm sure that's where our money to pay the electric bill went.

At school was better. Although I didn't have makeup to cover it, people stopped asking where the damn bruise was from. Kit hasn't talked to me since Tuesday and I think that has to do with the fact I said we weren't friends. I feel bad.

Today's Friday, movie night.

I might've seemed a little giddy Friday morning when Daniel was driving me to school. He didn't ask what was up, which I was grateful for because if I would've told him about a party he would freak out. It's not really a party anyway, just a few friends watching movies.

Kit didn't show in Mr. Faulkner's class until the very end. He came in, leather jacket on over a white tank top and blue jeans and red converse. He ran a hand through his inky, tousled hair and clenched his jaw as he handed Mr. Faulkner his tardy slip. Mr. Faulkner sighed and told Kit a few choice words. Kit shrugged them off and walked to his seat. He caught my eye for a second, but looked away.

I tapped his shoulder.

He turned in his seat and gave me a confused look. "What?"

"You're going to Promise's house tonight, right?" I ask, keeping an eye on the teacher to make sure we don't get caught talking again.

He cracked a smile. "Yeah. But why are you talking to me? I thought we weren't friends."

I groan. "I'm sorry I said that."

"I say you don't wanna be friends, you just wanna get in my pants." Kit says smugly.

My mouth gapes open. "No!"

"It's okay baby, we can get it on tonight in the bathroom when no ones watching-"

I scoff. "Like I wanna have sex with you."

Kit laughs lightheartedly. I notice a blonde girl staring at me from across the room. She's in a tight cheerleading uniform and has a flushed look on her face. I realize she must not be staring at me, she's staring at Kit.

That's Hattie. The girl Spencer said Kit was 'hooking up with'.

She's pretty. She has soft blue eyes and naturally light blonde hair that cascades down her shoulders in soft waves. Her small pink lips are pursed in a thoughtful way and her eyes are filled with emotion. Directed towards the guy sitting in front of me. I wonder if he likes her. I've never seen them interact yet she seems so madly in love with him.

I refocus my attention back to the teacher. I mean, I don't even care about Kit's love life. Not one bit.

"What's Hattie and Kit's relationship?" I ask Spencer as I bang my locker closed.

It's nearly 8th period and I can't stop thinking about that girl.

Spencer's face falls. "Kate. You can't possibly-"

"Look, I'm just asking a question." I say impatiently.

She sighs. "I don't know how they know each other, but I've seen them leaving school together sometimes. So I think they hook up. And she's pretty much in love with him." I scoff.

"You don't say." I mutter.

Spencer grabs my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "Look, I'm not saying you can't get involved with him. But he's been through a lot in his life and I just don't think you can carry his baggage. He's not as perfect as you think, Kate. I'm just warning you."

Love, Drugs and Kit.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora