Chapter 5: The Girl Who Gets Wasted

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"Kate, wake up."

My eyes peel open slowly. My vision is blurry, but I see a guy is kneeling in front of me. I reach up and touch his scruff. "Dylan." I slur, giggling.

Dylan looks back at the other blobs of people. I hear their voices all mixed up with each other.

"Guys, I have a headache." I mutter, holding my head in my hands.

They ignore me and keep talking to each other. I can only make out a little bit of what they're saying.

"Her brother said he needed her home by midnight." says a voice who is obviously stressed out.

"She needs a ride home." says another voice who sounds preeeeetty drunk. Like me.

I hear a sigh and then and another voice. "I'll take her home."

The voice is deep and raspy and is coming from a blob in black and white.

I feel warm hands touch my upper and lower back and I'm hoisted up and carried bridal style by the blob. With further inspection, I realize the blob is Kit.

Well, no shit.

I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest, inhaling his scent.

"You smell so goooood." I moan. I hear a few snickers coming from the other blobs.

My vision is shaky but I can see that the Kit blob is smirking at me.

I take a hand and slap his face weakly. "You wanted to do dirty things in the bathroom you dirty, dirty boy."

The room erupts in laughter and I could see a blush rising on Kit's cheeks. "That was a joke." he says defensively.

I snort. "Not much of a joke, you were the one who made out with me in the kitchen when I only wanted to make popcorn. See, dirty boy."

"Oh my god," one of the voices says. I think it's Promise. "Did you really?"

Kit clenches his jaw. "Of course not."

I slap him again. "Of course so, because you're a dirty boy. Or maybe I should call you dirty man because you're really hot and you smell good."

His hands clench up on my body when my lips start kissing his neck.

"Kate, stop." Kit says.

I look up at him with confusion in my eyes. "But I thought you wanted it because of earlier-"

Realization hits me. Tears well up in my eyes. "It was just a dare, wasn't it?"

"No - are you crying? Oh my god, stop crying." Kit pled.

I hear the blobs laugh at me again. "Stop laughing at me!" I yell, pointing a finger at them. They just laugh more. I look back at Kit. "You, asshole, need to put me down right now."

I hear Kit sigh. "I'm taking you home now."


I wave goodbye to the blobs and point at the Dylan blob.

"Dylan, you're not a dirty boy, you're a good boy. Good boy."

Dylan chuckles. "I'll remember that."

I hear the clattering of car keys in Kit's hand and freak out. "You aren't going to kidnap me and murder me, right? Hey, kidnap kinda sounds like Kit. Kitnap. I wanna be Kitnapped." I say drunkenly, trying to reach my hands up his shirt.

But he just opens his car door and puts me in the passenger seat. "Dick!" I barked. "I wanted to touch your abs."

"You're drunk." Kit argued as he started up the car. "Buckle up."

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