Hot Love with a Cold End

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This month was gearing to be special because once the 4th rolled around all of my family from Chicago would be down to visit and I would have the chance to introduce Vince to EVERYONE as my boyfriend and hopefully it would force him to turn over a new leaf. My moms and pops had been making calls in and out of state getting ready for the festivities.
We all had an important job to attend to so Vincent and I were sent out to Whole Foods to collect the cake, party ware, and fireworks from BigBang.
Before walking out I heard my mom yelling.
Mom: Alaina, you better swear to me that you won't get distracted and miss anything on this list. I love you but I will have your hide if you forget ANYTHING at that store." she smiled and waved us off.

I instructed Vinc to park my dads Nissan as close to the store as possible because we're just that lazy. while I was walking to get a buggy for our supplies, I noticed that Vincent is walking at an unusually quick pace straight into the store.
"Oh, alright." I huffed to no one in particular. "I swear you better see something we need."
Rolling my eyes I followed his stride passed the automatic doors.
"welcome to Whole Foods." A bag boy smiled warmly in my general direction. I briefly looked up at him while I pulled out my phone reviewing the grocery list smiling back and nodded my head. I looked up to see Vincent giving the boy a nasty glare.

Me:"Chile, come on."

Vincent: " Oh, You ain't trying to stay and flirt witcha mans." he slurred in response.
I paused in a mild state of disbelief. "Are you really trying to fight me about this?" I thought.

Me: "you don't understand how damn ridiculous you sound...And I don't have time."

Vincent shook his head and continued his quick step into the chip aisle. I figured he would be a big boy and do me the favor of knocking out half of the grocery list on his own. I went about my business getting the sparkling cider, cake, and plastic ware, which was all located on the opposite side of the store.
I popped one of my Apple earbuds in and press in a request on my phone for a Beyonce mix.
Shopping is always so much easier when you can drown out the muffled atmosphere of the store with a phenomenal artist.
I bounced and sang through the deli and held a brief conversation with the Baker about the flavor and popularity of the cake I had just purchased. I'd found myself strolling past the freezer section when I saw Vincent with his back to me. "Rocket" blared in my left ear as I continued partially past. It just so happened that my right ear was the one without an ear bud in and i was able to pick up a faint...
Anonymous Women:"Damn, I slick missed yo attractive self."
...Coming from his direction. It echoed in the Isles.
To successfully explain the amount of sheer Irritation...and Hate...And pitty that swelled in my throat just MAY be a sin. All I saw was red. I felt my eyes mist a tad bit when I started at a second thought. I kept it moving right on ahead. I didn't bat an eye nor did I make a single sound.

"He's just an argumentative ass hat sometimes...not a man whore. That's not his forte. Maybe he just ran into one of those tramps from school. Just because she flagged him down didn't mean he's cheating!"
Laughing at myself for being so quick to assume the absolute worst, I took out my phone, glanced over the list and finished up the shopping.
After a solid 10 minutes I brought myself to this express checkout line. At the moment, I thought nothing of it but the same boy that greeted me on arrival would be ringing my food up and bagging my purchases.
Up towards the front of the line I heard another cashier ranting about somebody else's vagina and how she would give anything not to be at work at this very moment. I roll my eyes at how ungrateful and insensitive she could be about the folks here putting money in her pockets.
I shook my head at her and felt an overbearing presence behind me as I loaded items on to the conveyor belt. Two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and a warm set of lips were buried in the side of my neck. I smiled leaning my head back over onto his. I smiled. however, it quickly faded when I realized he only shows affection like this when he feels threatened by other men I.E the one about to swipe my credit card. I smiled shyly making certain not to make eye contact with the cashier.
"iight Vinc." I blushed. " thanks for all your help with shopping."
I shot sarcastically nudging him off of me.
He stumbled back beaming that Colgate smile striking a heart string of mine. But that smile...something was...Off about it.

That smile that could easily make a dentist drop to their knees was no longer white. A red substance of some kind coated his teeth. Everything collectively slow down. I watched as he tossed his head back in laughter. I could see the same strange red substance on his baby blue shirt collar...on his neck...shirt sleeve.
He couldn't see me while he chuckled to himself. He payed absolutely ZERO mind to the vengeful cogwheels turning behind my eyes. There was a ticking time bomb behind my gleaming smile and he couldn't even see it.
Handsome cashier: "$45.38"
A voice broke my focus. I turned my head from Vincent slowly and bucked my eyes at the cashier.

Me:"mmh, I sorry?" I quizzed, neck jetted forward.

Handsome Cashier: "Your total is $45.38" He repeated raising one eyebrow Vincent, still smiling at me sweetly.

Me:"Oh pffft! My bad..." my eyes darted down to read his name tag. "Tré"...I brought them back up slowly then held his gaze. "I'm not too sure where my mind is today." I said a little more flirtasiously than I had originally planned.

Vincent:"Babe are we getting the fireworks today or not?" His voice was dry and stern. His arms folded over his chest. It seemed as though he was wearing the red lipstick on his bicept as a patch of honor.
An inferno remained jailed behind my teeth and to be completely honest I struggled not to hit him in the mouth right in the check out line...Calling me "Babe" like this shit is cool.
I handed Tré my debit card and peered around to see if that...girl was anywhere to be snatched.

Me: "No. I'm going home." I exhaled.

Vinc: "Fan-fuckin'-tastic" he mumbled as Tré handed my card back.
I double checked that none of my groceries were left on the counter and I walked slowly towards the exit door pushing the cart when I stopped abruptly.

Me:"Awh Shoot!" I looked around and patted my person frantically.

Vince:"What..." he said coldly, Looking most uninterested.

Me:Ughhh... I left my phone in the Bakery!"

Vinc:"The Bakery, seriously."

Me:"yeah... I must have set it on the counter while I was talking to the baker. could you be a doll and go grab it for me?"

Vincent: Damn. Yeah. whatever.

The millisecond Vincent turned around I reached in my purse, made certain that had my license and ID, pulled out my phone...along with my keys and made my way to the car.

With all the groceries now in the trunk, I slid into the driver side of the car, push the start button and contemplating what I was about to do. My head rested on the steering wheel so that passers by couldn't see the rolling tears I couldn't control.
"God i HATE HIM!" I yelled, stationery in the parking lot.
Right when I took the car out of park the phone rang, startling me half to death.
Hesitant, I watched as Vincent's name and picture flashed across the screen of my galaxy note...

Vincent: "Are you seriously just now finding your phone?! You sent me back in here for nothin'." He spat.

Me:*sniffed* "Nahh. Not for nothing." I mocked. YOU CAN STAY YO ASS IN THE FREEZER SECTION WITH YOUR BITCH. I screamed, Hung up and peeled out of the parking lot.

Once I got home I explain to my parents what had happened and why I came home missing the person I left with. They were surprisingly supportive and my dad was pretty impressed and amazed with how I handled it.
Eventually that night Vincent had made it back to my house drenched in sweat. I'm not sure if it was the sweat running off into his eyeballs or if those were genuine tears but I hoped that they were. I had instructed him to make sure he collected all of his things from my closet. If he had failed to clear my wardrobe of his possessions I swore to him I would have OPEN SEASON on his shit and start bon fire to burn it all later on that night.

The Tarnished Vs. The polishedWhere stories live. Discover now