we're on live television

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It's that time of week again - X Factor live shows - and Wilmer's hanging out in my dressing room, watching the show from there. We have an extra long commercial break due to a national announcement so I decide to head back to my dressing room to see him.

"Hey babe, I thought I'd come in and see how you're doing while we're on a break. Are you enjoying the show?" I say while slumping down next to Wilmer on the couch.

"Honestly, I didn't pay much attention" he replies, clearing his throat and shuffling nervously in his seat.

"What? Why?" I ask in a shocked tone, sitting up to look at Wilmer.

"Um, ha this is embarrassing but you just really turned me on with what you're wearing and yeah" he replies, laughing nervously as he rubs his hand over his face.

"Oh really? Well what is it about my outfit that turns you on?" I ask flirtatiously, smiling slightly at Wilmer while biting my bottom lip.

"Well for starters, that top your wearing really um accentuates your um bo--".

I cut Wilmer off with a powerful kiss, straddling him as he grabs hold of my head. Heavy breathing and moans surround the room as things start to get more heated. Neither of us can keep our hands off each other as our hips grind together. I can feel his body reacting to me, and I can even feel myself getting riled up. His hands grip my waist tightly before making their way through my top, up my stomach until their grasping my bra. I throw my head back, moaning as he teases my nipples through my lace bra.

"Hey Demi we're back on in- - what the hell is going on here?" Simon exclaims as I jump off Wilmer's lap and bury my head in my hands. Wilmer sits awkwardly as Simon, Kelly and Paulina all stand in shock.

"Demi, girl what you doin'?" Kelly laughs as I look up at her, my face bright red from embarrassment. Kill me now. Please.

Paulina doesn't say a word, she just stands there with a hand over her mouth, holding back her laughter. Fuck my life, this would happen to me wouldn't it?

"Oh my god I'm sorry, I, uh, you weren't supposed to um- -" I don't get a chance to finished my sentence as Simon interrupts. "Come on, we're on in five minutes" he orders as I grab my things, glancing back at Wilmer with a worried expression before closing the dressing room door.

"And we are back at The X Factor with all four of our judges making their way to their seats" Mario says into the camera before turning to the judge's table. "Simon, are you ready for the rest of the show?"

"I think you might have to ask Demi that, she's a bit short of breath" Simon responds, and I turn to him with a look that says "shut the fuck up, we're on live television"

"Demi, you ready?"

"Yes Mario I am ready, let's get started!" I say with the crowd cheering with excitement.

* * * *

Carlito's just finished his performance, it was high energy and sexy. I surprisingly enjoyed it. Kelly turns to me first, with a smirk on her face.

"Demi, I think we should go straight to you since you're all fired up, what did you think of Carlito?"

Kelly, Simon and Paulina all chuckle in their seats as I look at them with an unamused expression.

"You guys, you're not funny okay" I retaliate, clearing my throat before looking up at Carlito to give him my critique.

"Good job, you had lots of high energy and the change from English to Spanish was great"

"Yeah you love Spanish don't you Demi?" Kelly asks in a sly voice, followed by Simon.

"That's right, don't you Demi?"

Both Kelly and Simon look at me, holding back laughter and sniggering to each other across the table. I try my best to change the subject, turning to Paulina,

"Paulina what did you think?" I ask, smiling at Kelly and then to Simon as if to say "okay, that's enough"

Never again will I leave my dressing room door unlocked.

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