lets move in together

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I've just woken up after spending the night at Demi's apartment. Looking down to see her sleeping peacefully on my left arm with her hand placed delicately on my bare chest, a smile spreads across my face in admiration of my girl. I really am lucky to have her, she's so beautiful. She has the softest skin, with freckles on her nose and long dark eyelashes. Leaning down slowly, I kiss her gently on her rose colored lips, causing her to stir.

"Hi" a tired and still half asleep Demi says, her eyes squinting as they adjust to the light of the new day.

"Good morning mi Hermosa" I reply, smiling at how cute she looks, "how did you sleep?" I ask while running my fingers through her tousled hair.

"Good, even better waking up next to you" she giggles, realizing how cheesy her reply sounds. I laugh slightly as Demi grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. "Y'know, I've been thinking and...I think we should move in together" she admits while playing with my fingers.

"I've been thinking about that too, I think it's a good idea" I reply, smiling as I watch her face light up.

"Really?" she asks excitedly as she rolls onto her stomach, leaning her body against my chest.

"Yeah, I wanna be able to wake up with you every morning" I smile, causing Demi to scrunch up her nose and stick her tongue out a little like she always does, giggling quietly.

"We're really doing this?" she asks while running her hands over my chest, leaning closer towards my face.

"We're doing this" I reply, grabbing hold of Demi's face before pressing our lips together.

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