"baby... i just got my lips done!!!"

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"Babe seriously though, my fans are insane. They're lying outside on the ground and making a heart shape" I giggle to Wilmer as I snap a picture of my fans before returning to my facetime call.

"Yeah they seem very...is passionate the right word?" Wilmer replies, chuckling as my face appears on camera.

"Passionate, yeah" I repeat, nibbling on my bottom lip as I look at Wilmer through my phone screen. He still manages to give me butterflies whenever he looks at me, even if it's through a screen.

"I know it's only been a few days but I miss you" I admit in a cute voice as I bury my head into my arm which is supporting me as I lay on my bed.

"I miss you too nena, only a few more weeks and I'll be with you" Wilmer replies, looking lovingly into the camera in an admiring gaze, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. "Aren't you tired? It's like 4 in the morning in Brazil princesa"

"No my body clock is such a mess right now and besides, I can't sleep knowing you're so far away" I whine before erupting into giggles, "I'm sorry but I can't be that cheesy" I finally admit as I watch Wilmer laugh in agreement.

"I was gonna say, it's not like you to be that cheesy" he teases, chuckling as I pretend to be offended. "Demi, joking aside, I have something really serious to tell you and I don't want you finding out from the press. Don't be mad okay?" Wilmer says with worry in his eyes and voice, causing me to go into panic mode.

"What is it Wilmer? Just tell me" I reply in a serious tone, becoming more anxious by the second as I watch Wilmer lower his head for a few seconds, moving his lips. "Wilmer just tell m- - - "

"Baby... I just got my lips done!!!"

A fit of laughter fills my hotel room as I quickly screenshot the moment happening on camera.

"I'm gonna kill you when I see you! I thought something serious had happened!" I yell, trying to keep a straight face but the laughter fights through.

"So me getting my lips done isn't serious?" Wilmer jokes as he plumps his lips up once more.

"I'm totally gonna tweet this as payback. Night babe I love you"

"Demi don't you dare tw - - -"

I giggle, quickly blowing Wilmer a kiss through the camera before ending the call.

"That's hilarious" I sigh to myself before opening twitter, typing in "Baby... I just got my lips done!!!" 😂😍😊😘 lookin' good @WValderrama.... 😝❤️" before clicking tweet.

Almost one minute after the tweet went public, my phone phone begins to vibrate as a text pops up on screen.

"Just you wait until I see you, game on"

Smiling at the text sent by Wilmer, I giggle quietly as I reply with a wink face before locking my phone.

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