chapter 1

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"Eat your eggs."


She looks up at me, blonde hair a mess, continuing to scrape around her food with a fork, causing a screeching noise.

"You're not leaving until you do" I said, my eyes darting around her face.

Ruby pushed out her bottom lip, gripping her fork tightly until her knuckles turned white.

"Eggs are gross!" She yelled.

I slammed my hand on the table.

"You're face is gross but look what I have to put up with every day!"

I didn't mean it...

Ruby, only 10 years old, took a bite of eggs. Her face turned in disgust, before painfully choking them down.

"Katana-" she whined, her face red from crying.

She has to eat them. The doctor said she needs to starts eating...

Narrowing my eyes at her, she then took another bite.

"All of it." I said, my voice full of irritation.

I can't keep this up much longer...

Ruby swallowed, taking the last bite of scrambled eggs, before pushing her plate away and jumping out of the chair. She ran out of the kitchen, back into her room where I could hear her loudly sobbing.

We're going to be late.

I groaned, grabbing the empty plate. Walking to the sink, where other dirty dishes have been piled and stacked, I set the plate in with a sharp noise before looking at the clock that sat above the stove.

"Ruby!" I yelled.

"What?" Ruby sniffles, opening her door.

I ran into the hallway, sliding to the side, nearly hitting the wall. I pushed Ruby into her room.

"Ouch! What are you-"

I grabbed Ruby's shoulders, pinning her in place in front of the mirror. Frantically grabbing her hair, I brushed and pulled, pinning it into a neat bun.

"We're late!" I said, "very late!"

Ruby's eyes widened.

"How late!"

I didn't answer, only grabbing Ruby's bag before shoving her out of the bedroom door.

"Katana!" She started to sniffle.

"Don't cry!" I said sharply, quickly patting the top of Ruby's head.

She opened the back door, where she quickly skipped out. I quickly made it to the drivers door.

"Get in!"

Ruby slipped into the passenger seat, throwing her arms across her chest.

"You always make me late..." she grumbled, as I slipped into the drivers seat.

"Shut up-" I snapped, my voice high.

Ruby's eyes widened, before she turned to look away once more. A quiet sniff escaped, but nothing more.

I fastened my seat belt, and also Ruby's, before pulling the car into reverse.

I turned, quickly looking behind me, before pulling out of the drive way.

"Wait!" Ruby yells, unhooking her seat belt.

Braking, putting the car in park, before letting Ruby out. Running to the mailbox, Ruby quickly checked it before a expression of disappointment crossed her face. She quickly ran back into the car, and hooked her seat belt once more.

"What we're you looking for!" I asked, turning the gear and driving off.

"I wanted to see if my Hogwarts letter had come in the mail..." Ruby said quietly, her voice trailing off.

I smiled to myself.

"Don't worry about it...besides you're not old enough yet remember?" i asked.

Ruby pouted some more, "yes...I remember.."

Driving past their home, silence soon fell onto the siblings. Ruby watched the trees out of the window, the same old trees she's seen nearly every day.

I watched the road, my eyes checking the same driveways for cars that might pull out. Watching the same road I've seen nearly all my life.

"How late are we...?" Ruby asked, her voice low but angry.

"Two hours....?" I said sheepishly.

"Two hours!" Ruby screamed, quickly turning to me.

I grimaced, "yes."

Ruby groaned loudly, slamming her hands to the side of her legs.

"You always do this!"

"I'm sorry!" I said, turning down a road.

"What are you doing?" Ruby quickly asked looking around.

"It's a shortcut."

"How do you know!"

"Trust me!"

"Why should I!"

"Cause' I'm older, and I'm the boss!"

"You're not the boss of me!" Ruby protested, her hair falling out of the neatly made bun.

"Oh really?" i asked, slowing the car down.

The road gradually turned into white dirt.

"Yea really!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!" Ruby yelled.

"Don't make me-"

"Katana!" Ruby screamed, pointing to the road in front of them.

My gaze shifted from Ruby to the road in front of us. A old man stood in the middle of the road, looking to the sky.

I slammed on the brakes, the wheels jerking to the side, sliding on the white gravel.

"Katana!" Ruby screamed again.

I closed my eyes, turning the wheel sharply to the left, slowly missing the old man. The car spun, quickly making it's way into the ditch next to the road.

The car jutted forward, a tree slamming into the front of the passenger side.

My head quickly slammed into the top steering wheel, sending a jolt of pain into my temples. darkness misted over my eyes as i felt my neck start to crumble.


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