I'm Sorry..

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I'm sorry I haven't been able to post an update lately, even though I don't know how many of you are even reading this story. I just want you to know that I really love writing this and I've actually had this story idea for quite a long time. I usually write during my hundreds and hundreds of sleepless nights on my journal, when I just suddenly feel the need to express my feelings, with this story in result, and other sad stuff.

I'm at an All Time Low now, not the band, even though that'd be really cool. But I can't really say that I'm okay as of lately. Not to mention the amount of anti depressants and sleeping pills I've taken the past few weeks. It's just that things have been rough, but every storm that comes also comes to an end right?

I promise to keep up after everything's 'alright' eventually. Well, I hope so....


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