2. Introducing Me

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Note: Please play the video when I say, it'll make more sense then. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the chapter =)

This chapter's dedicated to fantasy27; thank you for your constant support and kind words!


I am a dancer.
I twirl, leap, and spin.
I jump, pirouette, and tap.
I am a dancer.
I feel pain and fear.
I feel defeat and failure.
Yet, I keep going.
I smile, I practice, I perform.
I have grace and beauty.

I do not dance because I am happy,
I am happy because I dance.

I hear the applause.
I perform and do my best.
Sometimes I fail.
I don't give up.
For I am a dancer.
I am brave and strong.
I dance not for fame and glory.
But for how I feel inside.
I am happiness, joy, love, and excitement.
Strife, talent, joy.
Determination and beauty.
I am a dancer.

In case you didn't connect the dots, dancing is my passion. I have no idea where I'd be without it. Seriously. I'm nothing without my daily dancing sessions. Ha, tell that to the younger me. I didn't actually like dancing at first. I was only 3 when my mum took be along to Tempo Dance Studio; the dance studio in town. Well, one of the 3 dance studios in town. It's not like there's only one dance studio in my town. Yes, my town is fairly small but it's not THAT small. It's average. Not too big but not too small, ya know? Anyway, so they were teaching a beginner ballet class. Mum, being a passionate dancer herself (will explain later), jumped at the chance when she heard this class was allowing new members.

My mum - like me - started dancing at a very young age. She attended the elite dance school; Danceworks and she'd love to see me follow in her footsteps. After graduating, she immediately got cast in many major roles  However, she realised that, yes, as much as she loved being a dancer, she'd much prefer being a choreographer. So now, and for the past 10 years, she's been choreographing dances. I know what you're thinking; why didn't my mum just teach me dancing? The answer to that is; she has no time. She's too busy choreographing new dances for the hit tv show Glee. She leaves at 6am and doesn't come home until around 9pm. Sure, don't worry, she still makes time to check up on my dancing and help me fix any mistakes I've made. Which, ya know, isn't many. Not that I'm being modest or anything. *cough*

Since my father walked out on us, mum and I have become quite close. We became even closer after Dawn died. Well yeah, we kinda had to since we only had each other. I believe I mentioned Dawn before... She was my twin sister. She wasn't just my sister, though. She was also my best friend. Call it cliché, but we were really close. We told each other everything. I know that I could tell her anything - no matter what it was - and she would never judge me. I remember one time when I was bullied. I was 10 and the school's most popular girl was standing in front of me. Her name was Hannah. She had long, strawberry blond hair. Big blue eyes, and a perfect figure. I looked down at my chest. My breasts weren't too small but they weren't very big either. No wonder the guys went for Hannah. Let me tell you; Hannah is the kind of girl guys want to date and who girls want to be. Her two best friends - Stacey and Jasmine - were standing next to Hannah like they were her bodyguards.

"Well if it isn't Amber the Panda," Hannah said, smirking at me.

I took a step back but like a dance; they followed.

"You know I didn't notice this before but..." Jasmine began. "You're so ugly they know what time you were born because your face stopped the clock."

Stacey snickered. "Yeah and you must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen."

Jasmine laughed. "Good one, Stace."

Rolling her eyes, Hannah took another step towards me. "I saw you dancing the other day... What did you do with the money?"

"W-what money?" I stuttered, taken aback.

"The money you spent that was supposed to go for dancing lessons." Hannah answered, smirking.

"Uh-I-Uh..." They were all laughing at me. Oh gosh. What do I do?

I couldn't stand it anymore. There was no way I was going to stick around and continue being insulted. I was just about to walk away when I heard a familiar voice shout.

"Leave her alone!"

Sure enough, Dawn pushed through the crowd and came to a hault right next to me.

"What did she ever do to you? Nothing! So just bugger off!" She was fuming. I'd never seen her this mad before.

Hannah covered her mouth, feigning fear. "Ohh, I'm so scared."

*start playing video here*

Dawn was fuming. I could see her squeezing her fists at her sides. She'd never punched anyone before, doubt she'd ever even thought of it. But right at that moment, I wasn't surprised when she punched Hannah right in the face. Hannah fell to the ground, clutching her nose.

"Amber is better than you will EVER be. She was standing here, minding her own business, yet you would have to come over to her and start treating her like dirt, wouldn't you? Only you would do that!  She's done nothing to you! How dare you insult her when you don't even know her. You know nothing about her."

By now a crowd was forming around us. Shocked faces were everywhere; no one had ever turned the tables on Hannah. No one had ever told her what they really thought of her. Least of all punch her in the face. This was definately a sight to see.

"In fact, you know nothing about anyone you've ever insulted. Amber is a way better dancer than you. I've seen you dance and believe me, I wish I could erase that memory out of my head. You may be pretty on the outside, but your personality makes you ugly. You act like you rule the school but in reality, you don't. You're not even close. You're the best at all you do - and all you do is make people hate you."

Hannah looked up at Dawn with her eyes bulged and her mouth hanging open. Yeah, maybe her opening her mouth wasn't very smart considering the blood that was pouring out of her nose would just drip into her mouth. Which, not surprisingly, it did. Mmm. How tasty. Dawn took me by the arm and we walked off towards the school gate. There was a round of applause from the audience.

Count down,
The tables have turned,
Better wise up,
You have got a lot to learn,

'cause you're alone now

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