Chapter 1

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"Dad I have a mate out there. I can't waste all my time with Macy."

"Mates are no good, Mason. They only bring you down and make you soft"

"No dad. You brought mom down. You became a coward."


"No I won't father" I said slamming his bedroom door. 

There was no way that I would be with Macy. She was always sleeping around and causing trouble. I had a mate out there and I needed to find her.

 Jace! He would know what to do. Jace was my bestfriend and he was going to become my beta once I find my mate.

"Jace" I linked

"Yes Mason" he replied shortly 

"It's time we find our mates" 

"I'm on my way" I disconnected our link and pulled out a packed back pack. I opened it up to make sure I had everything I needed. Water, check Food, check Clothes, check Advil, check Spare cell phone, Check

"I'm here" Jace entered my mind

"I'm coming" I responded

I grabbed the back pack and slowly walked out of my room. I had left a note on my bed for my parents and Josephine. I tiptoed down the stairs and opened up the front door. The second I was outside I stripped of my clothes, shifted into my dusty brown wolf, grabbed my back pack and took off to meet up with Jace.

----------HER POV--------------- (THIS WAS 5 YEARS AGO)

"You are now no longer a member of this pack, get your things and go."

 "Your making a huge mistake" I snarled back

"GET" he yelled in his Alpha tone

 I jumped of the platform on the ground and I walked to the edge of the territory.

"Goodbye bitches" I yelled flipping the entire pack off I felt the pack link disconnect as I ran further and further.

 I ran for what felt like hours and finally I came upon the perfect territory to call mine. It wasn't to big around 10 acres probably. There was a small stream in the middle of it. To make it even better an abandoned shack was sitting there. "Perfect" I sighed I shifted back into my human form and walked into the shack. It surprisingly wasn't that bad. It was already carpeted and had appliances inside. There sadly wasn't a bed for me. Ok I have 10,000 dollars to change this house around. I could hunt for food for a while so that's no problem. I definitely need a bed, new clothes, and electricity inside this shack. This was going to be a crazy life. I went outside and made a small fire to keep me warm over the long night. I shifted into my wolf and fell asleep.

 ------------------HIS POV----------------- (CURRENT DAY, SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION"

We ran all day. Never stopped once today for anything. Jace and I have gone through five different packs and we still have nothing.

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