Chapter 4

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 “Winter!" "Wake up!"

"Snow?" I mumbled trying to wake up.

 "Snow how did we get back home? Why is my room so pretty?"

I giggled at Snow while wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"Me silly! I carried you in and redid your room!"

 "It's perfect Winter" Snow hugged me and ran right back into her room.

I sat up and started to stretch my muscles. I must of slept like a rock last night. I was out cold right after I got home with the kids.

"OMG!" I heard a pitch shriek coming from down the hall..

I heard her foot steps come charging to my room. "It's perfect!" She cried "I love everything" she sang while giving me a spin

"Glad to hear, are the boys up" I asked

"You'll be lucky if they ever get up" she said running out of my room

I got out of my bed and checked on Hadley. She was still fast asleep. I went in my closet for some nicer clothes when I happened to walk by a mirror.

 "Eww" I thought mentally I need a shower now.

My hair was matted, I had stains on my shirt, and my makeup was everywhere. I waked into my huge bathroom and grabbed a robe. I did the bathroom all by myself I wanted it perfect. There was 2 sinks, a huge white Jacuzzi tub, a stand up shower, and a huge glass window for natural lighting.  I turned the shower on and quickly stripped of my clothes. I walked into the shower and picked up a coconut body wash. I started to hum the song Titanium by David Guetta.

 "Do you hear me!" A voice screamed I jumped up in surprise and replied "Geez Snow no need to yell when you mind link"

 "Sorry I just wanted to make sure you were up, I'm hungry" she whispered

"Once I get out of the shower I'll make breakfast"

"Yay!" I closed of my link and started on my hair.

 I used a lime mint shampoo and conditioner in my tangles up hair and hopped out of the shower. I put on a tank top and a pair if sweat pants and left the bathroom.

"Hi baby Hadley, are you hungry" I cooed over her crib.

 Hadley smiled as I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen. She is definitely not human! She seems at least 5 pounds heavier! I made her some of the formula I picked up last night and gave her a bottle. I then started on breakfast. I was half ways done when I heard someone come down the stairs.

"What is that I smell?"

  I turn around to see Matt drooling over the bacon that I was making.

"Oh nothing really, just some Food" I replied nonchalantly

"Just food?!" He gasped "This bacon is like food from the Gods he said grabbing a piece of the stove"

"Careful its hot" I smiled

"Thanks for the warning" he said sticking out his burnt tongue.

"Is Nate up yet?" I giggled

"Nate's been up for hours playing on his phone, Thanks for them by the way!"

"Anything for family Matt"

 Matt ran back to his room after giving me a peck on the cheeks.

"Kids in 20 minutes were going to mark the territory be ready to shift"

"Got it" They all responded

__________________UPDATE STARTS HERE________________

It was surprisingly cool outside for a spring day. It almost felt like it was fall with the weather we had been having. Ignoring the chill I bounded over to where Snow was.  I lightly snorted telling her I was behind her. I saw her beautiful midnight black wolf turn around to face me. It looked nothing like her human form. She had blonde hair and green eyes as a human but she was a dark black almost blue wolf with big blue eyes. Her smile soon turned into a goofy grin and I felt myself being tackled to the ground. That’s why she was smiling.

“For an Alpha your not very smart” Nate teased leaning over me. Nate’s wolf was by far my favorite. His fur was the same color as his dirty blonde hair but it had a red tint to it when the sun hit it.

I quickly rolled on top of him only to have Snow crash into me.

“Snow! I was about to win I whined”

“But winter there’s a butterfly!” she giggled

I laughed at her taking after the butterfly with the rest of the pack besides Hadley running behind me.

After playing in the territory all day we were all exhausted but we decided to watch a movie. Hadley had slept all day resulting into a very whiny child for the next few hours. About an hour after the movie started a knock came on the door.

“Kids hide” I hissed at them I handed Hadley to Matt watching him take her and run

I watched them dart off as I neared the door. I cautiously looked out the pep hole seeing a teen a bit younger than me. He was tall and he had dark hair that was a bit too shaggy for my liking.

“Who is there?” I bellowed my Alpha voice in control

“I am Sam. I come to join your pack”

“How did you hear about my pack Sam?” I questioned opening the door

“Matt invited me along with the rest of us.” He smiled


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