Chapter 6

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Hey guys :) so quick question do you want long updates in 3-5 days or short in 1-2 day? Just comment if you can. Thanks

The rest of the day flew by quickly and without much flaw. The twins John and Cole got in the shower after the girls were done and all of them got new clothes. Sam and Emily moved into there new room which they seemed to enjoy. Jade and Snow played all day even with there age difference, while my boys Matt and Nate watched Hadley for the day making my life easier. The one thing that kept bothering me was my mate. That's all I could think about for the day. Had he seen me? What was his name? Would he leave his pack for mine? Of course not an alpha wouldn't want to join a pack of rouges.  

I always knew I'd find my mate but the son of the alpha who banned me was not the ideal situation at all. I swear that the way mates were set up was random and with no thought at all. I wonder how my pack besides Sam and Emily would find their mates. We need to be out more when there ages are nearing. 

I knew I needed to have the entire pack legalized soon I just didn't want to meet up with the other alphas including my mate. One thing I needed to do today was see who was trained well and what skills we needed to work on.

"Everyone get changed we are training in 10 minutes." I yelled up the stairs

I heard a chorus of ok's from everyone. Running upstairs I quickly changed and pulled up my tangly brown hair. My hair had grown alot faster from being out in the woods without flat irons and such. Thought Natalie instantly made me buy her one online when she arrived her.

'Chop chop let's go!!" I yelled running down the stairs and outside.

"Geez Winter no need to yell." Matt said walking out of the house.

"Geez Matt put a shirt on!!" I said covering my eyes jokingly

All the kids were perfectly fit for there age especially Matt. Hey if he was my age I'd consider dating him.

"What, don't you enjoy seeing me close to naked?" He said wiggling his eyebrows

"Eww Matt!!" Natalie said coming out of the house.

Matt just chuckled at her and looked down waiting for everyone to join us.

When everyone arrived we all shifted and started running the territory. When I shifted I choose to be a wolf so I didn't spook the new pack members. Hadley was asleep inside the house tucked away safely. She was growing really fast and she would be able to walk anyday now. I couldn't wait to see her shift. Even though that would be in a few years I was ecstatic. I just hoped that Emily and Sam would take her and not have a baby so soon.  

As we ran the territory we all marked it as ours. Jades wolf was small and fast. Her black fur looked like a bullet when she zoomed by. Both twins had blonde wolves with a brown tip on there tails. Sam was a dark brown wolf and he was huge compared to all of us. His fur had hints of red In it making him stand out. Emily had an all white wolf making them look like total opposites as they ran side by side. They looked so happy together and it was then I realized that I was finally happy to.I had a pack that I loved and they loved me.

After running we all trained all I have to say we were amazing! Snows size didn't stop her at all. She would bite my ankles and distract me as Nate would pin me down. They were unstoppable together. We could take down at least 40 rouges pretty easily. There was 8 of us and we were all trained so I was impressed by them all.

By the time we were done the sun had started to set and we headed home. Hadley had awoken when we opened the door but Emily made her a bottle and disappeared with her. I made macaroni for the kids and a salad for Emily, Natalie, Sam, and I. We all ate at the table after saying grace. That night you could hear a pack not to far from here howling. I stayed on high alert until I fell asleep at the dinner table,

Yeah it's SUPER SHORT but ill update again in 2 days :)

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