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all i want is freedom
a world with no more night
and you always beside me
to hold me and to hide me


Somehow she knew he was sneering even amidst the darkness. "You belong to me, Lily. You always have."

"I don't belong to anybody! You've been stalking me for years, and yet, I felt bad for you! Who are you?!"

"Do you really want to know?"

Was this really happening? She nodded, suspense filling her mind like thick fog.

"You'll never-" He suddenly stopped, hearing the noise Lily heard as well. The noise was unmistakable- it was people trying to get inside. He glanced behind her toward the door. She could feel his cold eyes staring like daggers into hers. "Did some one follow you here?"

"What? No! I-"

He seized her by her shoulder and pressed her to him, she could feel his somewhat cold breath on her face. "YOU'RE LYING" he roared. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO BE FOLLOWED HERE! AFTER EVERYTHING, THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?! YOU'VE BETRAYED ME!"

"No! Please, I-" Lily stuttered. For the first time ever she felt afraid of him, or perhaps not fear, but she had a feeling that the way he was looking at her was something close to murderous.

"NOW YOU CAN NEVER BE FREE!" He shouted, then threw her to the ground, her head knocking nastily on the cement floor.

Lily awoke with a start, a thin blanket of sweat upon her forehead and a sickening headache pounding inside her brain. She looked outside her window, seeing the night sky staring back at her. Her heavy breath slowed as she slowly convinced herself that it was a dream and that he wasn't here to hurt her. The nightmares wouldn't stop; they had started visiting her sleep ever since that night, and they were always about him...

She shuddered and got up to close the curtains on the windows, feeling that the night was giving off a vibe too creepy for her to bear. Then, she checked the time- 3:06 AM. Lily couldn't see how she would get back to sleep, fearing that if she did, the dream would appear again. She felt that it was bad enough having seen it in real life and then having to relive it in her sleep every night.

Rubbing her eyes, she turned on the light switch and climbed back into bed, grabbing her book from her bag. She read until sunlight began to stream in even through the closed curtains. The time now read 6:47 AM, and this made her feel a little bit more safer, so she opened the curtains and light came in, illuminated the room much more.

Lily wished that she could sleep more often, and it saddened her greatly knowing that if she tried, she'd get the same nightmare that kept reoccurring. She hated the fact that she was scared to go to sleep.

She was fully wide awake and found herself bored. At almost 7:00 in the morning, what was there to do? Lily could only blame herself for this. She wished she was asleep soundly, dreamlessly, but this now seemed rare for her. As much as she loved reading, she wanted something else to do.

Perhaps she could walk around town and see her new surroundings. But there was the small, nagging voice that reminded her that being alone wasn't a very good idea. But Mandy knew enough to ensure her that he wasn't in the same state as her, so maybe she'd be okay...

It took a couple minutes of internal debating until she finally decided that she'd walk around for awhile and then find a place to eat breakfast, seeing as her stuff hadn't got there yet and only God knows when they would.

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