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it's alright to shake
even my hand does sometimes
so inside we rage
against the dying of the light


Lily gasped.

"What the hell?" She breathed.

How was this possible? Who could have stole them, and why? Suddenly, all by herself she didn't feel safe again, so she left and closed the door with a frightened shudder, unable to control her urge to look behind her.

Someone was withholding information, and Lily was ashamed and scared to think that it was Niall.

How else would he know everything about her murder? Why did he know everything? She hated having the feeling that Niall was apart of it, but lately he had been distant... Was this the reason? Did he think Lily was going to start investigating? But why would he interrupt her from doing that?

Her thoughts buzzed like angry bees in her head as she started to walk away from the library, but not the way she came from. She walked further down the street, wanting to find something that would explain, despite the fact that she had no idea what that was, exactly.

On she walked, her head throbbing as she thought angrily to herself for not trusting Niall. But she had only known him for a couple weeks, but even then she had become accustomed to his good-natured personality.

Looking in the distance, she noticed a small graveyard with one tiny figure standing in front of a little stone grave. Allured by this by no particular meaning, she began to walk towards the small yard.
She quietly snuck up and then stopped a few yards away, noticing the blonde hair sticking up messily, as if running his hands through it periodically. Niall seemed like one to do that. He stared at the grave in front of him, and she hears little sniffles which nearly collapsed her heart.

Lily contemplated about turning around and leaving Niall to his mourning, until he turned around and saw Lily standing there doing nothing.

"Rebecca!" He said, clearly startled and doing his best to hide his red cheeks and puffy eyes. "H-how long have you been there?"

"About a minute,"

"Oh," he turned and faced the grave. Lily was about to leave when he spoke again. "Don't go please,"

She nodded and walked to him, looking at the grave, which answered her question. This was his father's grave, in bold letters carved thoughtfully into the stone: In loving memory of James Horan. Father, husband, and amazing contributor to Larmount and the Larmount family. May you rest in peace. He sniffed again, and normally Lily didn't know what to do in these types of situations, but a little urge deep inside made her wrap her arms around him in a tight embrace. He didn't protest.

She held him tight to her, and her to him. Lily found that this was very comforting and she wondered why, in all her life, had she rejected hugs when they were offered. She felt warm and a bit better than she had felt in a long time.

After what felt like a long time, Lily let go of him and he seemed to have stopped crying. "Thank you," he whispered. She leaned her head on his shoulder, the silence swirling around them, but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was thoughtful.

Then Niall spoke again. "I don't think I've ever properly told you how he died, did I?"

"Niall, you don't have to-"

"No," he said firmly. "I- I think it's best if I talk about it,"

She didn't protest as he continued.

"I've told you that he was part of the investigation for Tabitha, and that's what killed him, I think. He... he went into the mayor's office to look for clues, and... and I've told you about what happened to people who went in there-"


"-he was looking for clues, he didn't believe something in there could be dangerous. There... there was something in there that scared him to death."

"To death?"

He nodded. "He had a heart attack. And he never had any health problems, but that's what the doctors insisted. I... it's a mystery to me how he was found in the office, no one knows who called the hospital. Whoever it was, I wish I could thank them.

"But anyways, as he was on his death bead and there was nothing they could do for his new heart problem, he asked them to pull the plug- for us, not for him. He told me and my mother that he couldn't stand seeing us seeing him like that. So, when he was dying, he asked to see me alone and told me that he wasn't having heart problems, and that there is more to Tabitha's murder than anyone knows. He asked me to solve it for him.

"And that's what I've been doing for the past year and a half. Trying to piece together this seemingly unsolvable mystery."

"Niall, I'm so sorry. Truly, I- can't imagine how that must have felt for you."

He sighed contently. "But, I think I'm getting closer to solving her murder than I've ever been."

"How so?"

"I have you."

She furrowed her eyebrows, greatly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Rebecca, you've probably been wondering why we haven't talked in a couple days, or why I've been basically ignoring you, right?"

"I... well, yes."

"There's a reason for that. I've been trying to make a decision over the past few days, and it's sort of a big one."

He heart started to hammer. "Is it about me?"


"Well, er, what is it then?"

Niall lightly looked up at the sky before looking Lily straight into her eyes, piercing through them, and somehow, Lily already knew what he was going to ask. "Can you help me solve Tabitha's murder?"

A/N: lolololl @ all of you who thought niall was the murderer biTch you thought!!! Hahaha told you it's going to get better. :)


love, your dear dear grandmother,


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