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we're gonna rattle this ghost town
this house is falling apart


Three days later, Lily had finally gotten all settled in, having found that shops around didn't sell essentials she found were necessary. She did not have any more stuff to do that related with moving in.

In fact, she didn't have any more stuff to do at all.

Lily, bored out of her mind, had only one friend; Niall. But he hadn't made any form of contact to her since a few days ago, which was a bummer because she had nothing to do. It was very dark outside too, the weather mocking her for her lack of friends.

Instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen, she wondered what she could do. To her delight she remembered that she had muffin mix and baking supplies she could use to make goodies. It wasn't the most fun or productive thing a 19 year-old living by herself could think of but it was all she had.

She had told herself earlier that a big kitchen wasn't necessary seeing as she rarely made any extravagant meals, but now she realized it would have been nice not to be bumping into a counter every time she took a step forward or backward.
Finally she put the muffins in the oven. She felt lonely after she set down her oven mitts, forgetting that she had no one to share them with. Perhaps Crystal would want some, or Niall if he ever made a move to talk to her again.

Wow. Only one friend. Lily tried to make herself feel better by telling herself this was only her third day in this quaint, awkward town but it didn't help much. Lily was used to being popular back in high school, where she never felt alone knowing that there was always a friend by her side.

God Lily, a voice said. Can't you for once think of something other than miserable thoughts?

If I could, do you really think I'd be thinking it? Her own voice snapped back.

Lily jumped as she heard a knock sound from the outside of her door. She couldn't imagine who would want her company right now. She didn't give Niall her address, and Crystal would have called...

Cautiously, she moved to the door as the knocking continued rapidly. Lily drew a long breath as she bravely opened the door and looked at the impatient human. But it wasn't Niall, Crystal, or the man I feared most. It was a girl about her age, wearing a broad, welcoming smile.

"Uh, hello there," Lily said shyly.

If possible, her smile widened. "Hi! I'm Kelsey! I heard you're new to this town?"


"Anyways, I asked Crystal and she said you lived here, I live just above here on C 21. It's so good to meet someone new! This town is so prosaic and I've met just about everyone. They don't seem to like me very much, apparently I talk a lot and- hey, is something burning?" She peered behind Lily's shoulder as Lily noticed it too. The muffins.

"Shit!" Lily shrieked, leaving the door open as she practically sprinted to the kitchen. The odar was much stronger from this stance. When did the timer go off?

Kelsey followed Lily in, giggling a bit. Um, boundaries? Lily thought irritably.

"What happened?" Kelsey asked as Lily pulled the burnt goods out of the open, a cloud of steam releasing before hitting the ceiling and then making the fire alarm go off. Lily groaned, grabbing the oven mitt and waving it madly above the pan, steam blowing everywhere.

"I forgot these were in the oven," Lily panted, after the alarm finally stopped blaring.

"Clearly," Kelsey said. It took all power not to glare at Kelsey's smiling face.

"Sorry, did you need something before this incident?" Lily asked coolly, but still annoyed with this strange girl's sudden impulsive intrusion.

"Oh, no I just wanted to stop by and say hello. What's your name?"

"Li- I mean Rebecca."

"Awh, what a beautiful name! I'm gonna name my next child that. I've always admired that name, and it suits you so well. You're very gorgeous."

"Thank- wait second child?"


"You- you said you were gonna name your next child that..." Lily pressed, astonished.

"Oh!" She giggled again. "Right, I'm a single mother." Kelsey said nonchalantly. Lily's mouth dropped open.

"How old are you??"


"A-And you plan on having more kids soon?"

"I adore my little girl, Delilah, even if her father isn't here for her. I want her to have company when she's older." Kelsey seemed fine talking about her abandoned partner.

"Oh... good for you."

Kelsey beamed at Lily. "Anyways, I'd better go check on my little angel. It was nice meeting you, Rebecca! Until next time, darling."

Kelsey left, shutting the door quietly and leaving Lily back to herself, which for once in what felt like a really long time, she actually enjoyed. Kelsey seemed sweet, but that kind of cheerful energy gave Lily a weird feeling. They say that some people radiate happiness, but honestly Lily felt she was over-the-top.

It seemed that baking wasn't going to decrease her boredom by much, and even if she sat and watched it bake minute by minute without letting it burn, she wasn't feeling very hungry anymore.

Pondering of what she could do that was semi-productive, she paced around in the living room when her phone rang. Lily jumped for the second time in an hour. After two rings, Lily picked up the device and pressed it against her ear, greeting whoever was on the other line.

It was Niall. "Hi Rebecca, how are you?"

"Uh, I'm, for a lack of better words, alright I suppose. Moving in here has had me a little busy, I'm feeling a little out of it. How about you?"

"I'm well. I was actually wondering if you'd like to stroll around with me again. I haven't shown you all of Larmount, y'know. Not that there's a whole lot of places that are worthwhile, I just figured you might be free." Niall asked, the edge of his voice sounding a little bit nervous.

Then, Lily felt a boom shake the house as she frantically looked out the window and saw rain pouring out of the sky and hitting the ground harshly. "Er, now?" Lily asked him as lightning lit up the kitchen briefly, followed by another roll of thunder.

She heard him chuckle. "I suppose it's too late now, how about we get coffee once it clears up and then we can wander around?"

"Won't it be all wet and muddy?"

"That's generally what happens after a storm. It's only water and wet dirt, what's the problem?"

"Nothing I suppose, I just thought maybe we ought to avoid throwing caution to the wind. I guess, from where I'm from it didn't rain as much as it does here so I'm just not quite used to it yet."

"Okay, so are you still up for it? Coffee on gloomy days are what I live for."

Lily hummed. "Okay. But what if it rains all night?"

"It doesn't look like it will, but if it does then that's a bummer. Anyways I'll see you when it has cleared up a bit. Bye." Niall bid before he hung up.

Lily frowned as she looked outside, peering at the rain padding heavily against the windows. Please stop soon, She thought.

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