Chapter Two

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// Camila //

Camila opened her eyes and squinted as the sunlight spilling into the room temporarily blinded her. When she regained her eyesight, she sat up and realized she was in a small bedroom. She was covered with damp, white sheets, and the pillow she had been laying on was stained with black smudges. She reached up to touch her face and realized someone had taken her makeup off for her, the question was who? Where was she and how did she get there? Her entire body ached and she felt drained of all her energy.

She held her head in her hands and tried her hardest to remember the night before. The last thing she remembered was going to a party. Now she was here. It's fine you probably just slept with some guy. Just get out before he comes back and says he loves you.

Laughing to herself a little, she pushed the covers off of her and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She touched her toes to the cold hardwood floor, but when she tried to stand up it was as if her legs wouldn't work. It was only as she fell to the floor that she realized just how bad her head hurt. Her temples throbbed with pain and she became dizzy. Her surroundings soon turned from blurs to black spots, and she was once again overtaken with sleep.

// Lauren //

Lauren awoke to a loud crash. When she opened her eyes, she expected to see her bedroom ceiling, but instead was greeted with her living room. She had forgotten all about last night. Shit. What the fuck was that? Lauren jumped off the couch and tiptoed over to her bedroom door, which was left cracked by Lauren the previous night. When she pushed open the door enough to get a view of her bed, she saw it was empty. Jesus Christ, great going Lauren. You brought some psycho into your home and now she's missing.

Lauren walked into the room and stopped as she saw the girl at her feet, asleep on the floor. It startled her at first and she jumped back. Regaining her confidence, she picked the girl up and put her back in the bed. Brushing the girl's dark hair out of her face, she once again admired her elegant beauty, and wondered what had happened to her to make her so immobile the night before.

As she went to put the blankets back on the girl, she noticed something that almost shattered her entire being. The smaller girl's left arm was covered in marks and scratches. Red ladders lined the inside of her wrist and bruises covered her arm. Lauren's eyes welled up with tears. Why had she suddenly become so attached to this girl? She had never even spoken to her, but for some reason, Lauren couldn't handle the thought of someone harming the girl. All she wanted to do was mend her broken parts, sew her together and stay to make sure she never fell apart again. She took the small wrist in her hand and ran her thumb over the marks, hoping something in her would somehow heal the girl, make all of her pain go away.

Suddenly, the girl's brown eyes snapped open.

This chapter is quite short. I actually wasn't going to continue the story at all, but someone asked me to so here's an update.

I'll only update upon request, so let me know if you want more.

Thank you for reading. Ily.

Hailey (@NormanisMainHoe on Twitter)

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