Chapter Four

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// Lauren //

The girl who stood in front of her was not what she had envisioned. Her face was so much softer as she slept, almost angelic, she didn't expect this out of her at all.

"Listen, I don't have a problem with you leaving," Lauren stated, "but I want to at least tell you what happened. You don't see the least bit concerned as to why you're in my apartment."

The other girl furrowed her brows. "I already know. Save yourself the embarrassment."

"What embarrassment?" Lauren questioned. There was an anxiety between the girls now. Lauren was sure if someone walked into the room, they would've backed out. Lauren, however, is not the type to back down from a challenge. And this girl, angelic face and all, was definitely a challenge.

As the girls eyes locked, Lauren suddenly understood what all the confusion was. "Oh, you think we slept together?" She sort of laughed. The other girl squinted her eyes, a bit confused as to why the situation was funny. "Well we didn't." Lauren stated.

The girl crossed her arms and pointed her foot. "What are you talking about?"

Lauren took a deep breath, "How about we start with your name?"

"Camila." The girl swallowed hard.

"Okay Camila." Lauren made her way over to the bed and sat down. "Sit." She said, patting the bed. Hesitantly, Camila made her way over to the bed, sitting on the edge next to Lauren.

"Last night it was storming out. I was walking home from class and you were sitting on the curb. At first I didn't think much of it, but then I guess you passed out, and you were sort of just lying there for a minute. So I picked you up, took off your makeup and... I just, put you to sleep." Lauren looked at Camila with hopeful eyes, but got no reaction out of the other girl. "I didn't know what else to do." Lauren added, hoping for some type of response.

Camila sat still, eyes on the floor. Half of her face was covered with her hair. Lauren reached up to pull the hair back, but before she could get her hand to her hair, Camila stood up. Lauren jerked her hand back to her lap, hoping Camila didn't see.

"You know..." Camila started, her back to Lauren. "you're...that''re fucking crazy okay?" Camila walked out of the bedroom and headed straight to the front door. Lauren ran after her, speechless. As Camila reached for the doorknob, she turned, "I can understand if you're embarrassed, but you don't need to make up fucking stories. You look stupid."

And with that, she was out the door, leaving Lauren with nothing. She went back into the bedroom and sat on the bed, trying to comprehend everything that just happened. This is what happens, Lauren. You're overly nice to people and you always get fucked over. When will you learn?

She sighed and laid back, only to hit her head on something hard. When she reached up to see what it was, she realized it was an iPhone. Is this Camila's?

She pressed the home button and the phone lit up. The lock screen was a picture of a rainy city street. Lauren smiled at the fact that Camila must adore the rain as much as she does. There's probably a lock on it. Lauren slid the phone and it, surprisingly, unlocked. Lauren's heart started racing in her chest. This was wrong, she wouldn't want someone snooping in her phone. She wouldn't storm out on someone who helped her either...

She decided against it, locked the phone, and set it on her nightstand. She closed her eyes and tried to get the image of the girl she rescued out of her head.

// Camila //

That girl is fucking crazy, she's psycho. Camila reassured herself as she stepped into her studio apartment. She went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She reached to get her phone out of her back pocket, but felt nothing. What the fuck? Camila sighed. She must have left her phone at Lauren's apartment. She still had a splitting headache and all the worrying and confusion had only made it worse.

She decided to put her phone out of her mind and got into the steaming shower. She closed her eyes as the hot water fell onto her body.

Lights flashing. Music blasting. "Come on baby, let's go." A man was dragging her somewhere.

Camila's eyes snapped open. What was that? I must have fallen asleep or something... She didn't know what had just happened, but it scared her. She couldn't recognize anyone, and she didn't know where she was. After that, Camila kept her eyes open for the duration of her shower.

As she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body, she found herself wondering about "Lauren." Her hypnotically beautiful eyes, her long dark hair, her raspy voice. Camila, Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with you? She couldn't get stuck on someone. She didn't have time, she didn't have the energy, she didn't have the stability that a relationship required.

She put on pajamas and gathered her wet hair into a messy bun. Plopping down in the bed, she let out a deep sigh. She was exhausted. What had really happened? She didn't know, and she didn't care. At least she thought she didn't...


Hello Angels. It's been so long since my last update I'm sorry, I've been busy and stuff.

Let me know what you think will happen, let me know if you like it, let me know everything.

Thank you for your continued support I love you.

- Hailey (@NormanisMainHoe on Twitter)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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