Chapter Three

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// Camila //

When she awoke, it took her a moment to realize where she was. When she finally regained her consciousness, she saw that there was a girl in front of her, and she was holding her wrist. Camila jerked her arm away, pulling it close to her side and hiding her marks from the taller girl. "W- What the fuck?" She stuttered.

The girl who was holding her arm took a step away from her. "Uh, hi. Um, you're okay, you're okay uh..." Camila stared blankly at the girl in front of her, waiting for her to speak, but no words left her mouth.

"Yes?" Camila asked sternly, looking up at the girl.

"Just. Uh, I found you. Yeah. I found you. You- you were on the sidewalk, in the rain. And um," the girl tried explaining herself, but Camila just dismissed her.

"You know what, it's fine. You don't need to say anything." Camila swung her legs over the opposite side of the bed and began looking around the room. She went to get up, but started to feel dizzy. She couldn't pass out again. So she remained on the bed, trying to give off the impression she knew what she was doing. "You were curious, you've never been with a girl before, it's cool. I get first timers like you all the time."

Camila shrugged, acting as if she was in complete control. But the truth was, she had no idea what to do. Sure, she had been with girls before, that part was true, but she had never woken up somewhere she didn't recognize without any recollection of what happened the night before. She was quite scared, if she was honest. But fortunately, for Camila, honesty was not one of her strong suits. So she played it cool.

"Uh, actually, I'm not-" the other girl started, but was cut off by Camila.

"Save it." Camila held her hand up. Just get out. The sooner you're out, the sooner this is over with. Camila tried to stand, and was again taken with dizziness. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed, leaning on the bed. "Where are my shoes?" She used all the balance she had inside of herself to stand up and stumble around the room, hanging on to whatever she could find to keep herself up.

Before the green eyed girl had a chance to answer, Camila fell over again. She had no energy left to get up. So she began looking under the bed, acting as if she meant to fall.

The dark haired girl waked towards her, "um, how about you just, uh, sit down. or something. We can talk about this?"

"We don't need to talk about anything." Camila fired back, "What we need to do is find my shoes." She continued looking on the floor and groaned when she couldn't find them.

Lauren waited a few more minutes, assuming she would get up. After a while, she peeked over the bed and said, "You've been on the floor a pretty long time, you okay?"

Camila slammed her hand down on the ground, making the other girl jump a bit. "I'm fine."

Why Camila was so angry at the girl, she couldn't figure out, but that wasn't the problem right now. She needed to get her shoes and get out, before the conversation got any more uncomfortable.

"Just get me my fucking shoes." She yelled.

"Uh, okay." The older girl took a slight pause before she left the room and stared at the smaller girl on her floor. Camila gave her a sarcastic smile and head nod, sending her out of the room.

Camila took the aloneness as an opportunity to get herself back up on her feet. Once she sat back down on the edge of the bed, she got a better look at the room she had spent the night in. The walls were painted a light cream color, and were lined with picture frames filled with photos of the girl and what looked to be friends and family. There were two tables on the sides of the bed. One had a flower vase with a beautiful bouquet and the other had a lamp, which was switched off.

On the other side of the room was a desk, from what Camila could see, there were papers scattered all over and a few text books. She stumbled to her feet and walked over to the desk, gripping onto the chair in front of it for balance. The cover of the text book read "Psychology: Introduction To the Human Mind." A psychology major, Jesus. Probably spent half the night psychoanalyzing me instead of fucking me.

She looked over some of the papers on the desk, one had a name on it that read "Lauren Jauregui". Camila spent the rest of the time trying to figure out how to pronounce the last name, and was interrupted by the raspy voice she had heard earlier.

"What are you doing?" She turned to see "Lauren," holding a pair of black heels, Camila recognized as her own. She ignored the question and wobbled over to the girl. Snatching the shoes out of the other girl's hands, she couldn't help but notice her eyes. They were a mix of blue and green, they reminder her of the summers she used to spend at the beach. The swirls in her eyes were like oceans, entire seas to explore.

Camila stared a little too long, and Lauren noticed. She looked down and mumbled something.

"Hmm?" Camila asked, attitude edged on her voice, she couldn't seem too nice. She definitely couldn't let the girl know she was admiring her. She made her way to the chair in front of the desk while she waited for an answer.

"No I was just um," Lauren almost whispered.

Camila looked up from doing her shoes up and raised an eyebrow. "Just what?"

"Just. You're not very nice." Lauren looked away, clearly nervous.

Camila stood up, her balance fully intact. "Well sorry," she started, not sounding very sorry, "I don't usually stick around for the morning after. And I-" she brought her hand to her temple and rubbed it. She turned to look at Lauren, who was waiting for a finish to her sentence. "I. I don't feel good okay. I have a headache."

Camila made her way towards the doorway, but Lauren was blocking it. She suddenly was face to face with the ocean eyes again, and found herself temporarily speechless.

This is the first time the girls speak wow.

You'll find out more as the story goes on, it'll get more interesting.

Like three people asked for an update I was so happy. I love reading the comments.

Yall make me super happy. ilysfm.

Remember, I only do updates upon request so let me know if you're still reading.

- Hailey (@NormanisMainHoe on Twitter)

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