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Sierra's POV

As I walked into the school, I could feel all eyes on me. It was nearly suffocating. I walked into first period and took my seat in the back. Hannah came in and sat next to me, looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "What?" I asked casually.

"I know what happened," she answers.

"Who doesn't know?"

"We all trusted you at lunch when you said you weren't hungry." I just sighed, not knowing how to defend myself. Hannah was about to say something else, but luckily our teacher came in. He started the lesson, and didn't stop until the bell rang. Each class was the same thing. My friends commented on my eating, and I tried my best to avoid eye contact with anyone. I tried paying attention in class, but my mind kept wondering off. I'm not sure where, though. Just in a place where all of my secrets were kept. Sadly, that's not my reality anymore.

The bell for lunch rang, and I stood up and started walking out with my friends. "Sierra," Ms. Johnson, my previous teacher, called.

I turned around to face her. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"You're mother asked me to keep an eye on you during lunch to make sure you're eating well. Take a seat."

"She's not my mother," I mumbled under my breath as I sat in a desk. I dropped my backpack next to me.

"Where's your lunch?" Ms. Johnson asked. I quietly sighed and reached in my backpack for my lunch bag. I set it on my desk, but didn't open it. I didn't even want to know what Demi had planned for me to eat. She probably packed me a lunch with extra calories. When Ms. Johnson saw that I wasn't even opening my lunch, she put a desk to face mine and sat down. "Let's see what you have." I slowly started to open my lunch bag and pulled out my sandwich, chips, and Oreo's. I did NOT want to eat all of this. "Start with the sandwich."

"Ms. Johnson, I don't want to be disrespectful, but why are you doing this?" If any of my teachers were making me eat in their classroom, I would want it to be her. She's nice. But if I had the choice to not eat at all, I would definitely choose that.

"You're mom asked me to."

"Demi is not my mom."

"Okay, Demi asked me to."

"But I don't want to have to do this. Does she really not trust me to take care of myself?"

"Would you trust yourself right now?" I didn't answer. "Look, Sierra, I was once your age, too. I was starting to slip into the bad habit of not eating, but I had someone there to help. You might not have had someone when this started, but you do now. And you will get through this."

"I don't want to get through this. I don't want anyone to help. I was just fine before."

"Were you happy?"


"No, think about it. Were you happy? Were you fine with keeping that secret? Were you fine with being paranoid that someone was going to find out?" I didn't answer. She did make me think, though. It wasn't fun being worried about someone figuring out my secret. "Until you stop convincing yourself that you want things to go back to the way they were a week ago, you are never going to be happy. Just let whoever wants to help you help. It will get easier, I promise." I still didn't say anything. Instead, I took a bite of my sandwich. Ms. Johnson ate her lunch, and we were both silent as we ate. I managed to eat everything, and I was wanting so bad to bring it back up, but I knew I wouldn't have the chance.

I went into gym, and while everyone was dressing out, the coach had a talk with me about how unhealthy I had been. She wouldn't let me work out with everyone. I just had to sit in her office the whole time.

My life at school officially sucks.

Demi's POV

I decided to look in Sierra's dance bag to see if she had anything in there that needed to be washed. As I dug around, something caught my eye, and I was taken back. I gasped as I picked up the thing that made my heart start pounding harder. The laxatives.

How did she even get these? How long had she had them? How many had she put in her body?

I was already going to have to have a long talk with her, and this just added on to that.

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