Prologue 1

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This is based off the song If I Die Young by The Band Perry. I, of course, changed some things to make it fit into a story better, but it goes along the lines of the song. I'll be putting up cast soon.


If I Die Young

Prologue 1: Multi-View

If anyone had looked out their window on that cold, gray November morning, they wouldn't have seen the girl looking confused and lost. She wouldn't have noticed them looking out.

But no one looked.

Were they too afraid?

Police sirens wailed, pulling up beside a smashed Saab, now unrecognizable as any car. A girl sat in the driver's seat, her head laying on the steering wheel. Her blonde curly hair fell halfway down her back, flowing foward around her slumped forward shoulders. Her icy crystal-blue eyes are shut.

The police men declare that she was in no way harmed, but was indeed dead. The neighbors, now out on the street in slippers and robes, gasped. One woman broke down crying. This girl had been well known in their neighborhood.

A dark haired woman pushed to the front, her blue eyes- exactly like the girl's- searched for her daughter.

"Where is she?!" she shrieked in grief. The men pointed to an ambulance.


The woman pushed past them, eager to see her daughter. When she reached the stretcher, however, she saw the body bag. Her knees gave out, causing her to sink to the pavement.

"No..." her lips murmured. A police man helped her up. The woman's strength returned suddenly as she ripped her arm away from him, running toward her daughter's body. A man tried to stop her, but he was stopped by his comrade with an arm and a meaningful look.

The woman unzipped the bag and trembled when she saw her daughter's face. The blue eyes were closed, her beautiful blonde hair fanned out around her face. The mother opened her daughter's eyes. They stared into nothing, their long, dark lashes framing a blank picture. No injuries were visible.

"Oh, Elizabeth Catherine Grace. What have you done?"

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