Prologue 2

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If I Die Young

Prologue 2: Elizabeth Catherine Grace Perry

She sighed and tucked a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her crystal-blue eyes looked at her fingers, folded together on her lap. Her hair shifted softly in a nonexistant breeze. A silk white dress fluttered down to her ankles. Her feet were bare, although she wasn't cold. She sat on a comfortable white bench, waiting. A dark-haired woman with white feathered wings stood behind a white desk. 

"Next," she called in a clear, warm voice. A young girl with a blood stain on her white dress stepped forward nervously. The angel smiled at her, stepping out from behind the desk. She took the girl's hand and led her to a white door. She opened it and everyone waiting covered their eyes. A bright glow enveloped them before the girl disappeared and the angel was back behind her desk.

Elizabeth stood up, walking to the desk.

"Excuse me, how long do I have to wait?" she asked the angel. The angel smiled warmly at her.

"I'm sorry, dear. You have to wait until you have been here forty-eight hours. In the meantime, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. Is there anything you'd like?" Elizabeth shook her head.

"No. Thank you for your help." Elizabeth sighed and turned to sit back at her seat, only to find a new spirit there. She sighed again and sat in a white-and-gold embroidered armchair.  She curled up in it, resting her head on the arm. Her crystal blue eyes closed.

"Psst," a voice hissed. Elizabeth's eyes popped open.

"Psst," the voice came again. Elizabeth looked at the girl to her left, sitting on a stool.

"Yes?" Elizabeth asked. The little girl with dusky skin and softly wavy dark hair looked up at her with big dark eyes.

"Can I trust you?" she whispered in the pretty voice that belonged to a seven year old girl. Elizabeth blinked in confusion.


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