Watching Snowflakes

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*Ruby's POV*

I laid on my bed looking at Weiss's sleeping form, it was almost time for the team to wake up but as usual I couldn't sleep, the whole night I just looked at Weiss. I didn't know why but I, I just couldn't stop looking at her.

Maybe I was too harsh to her before, but she wasn't very sympathetic.Then again Weiss isn't a very sympathetic person,  she never has been from my knowledge. Maybe she used to be when she was a kid. I wonder what happened to make her so cold?

I wanted to continue my thoughts but my head started to throb. I closed my eyes and forced myself to relax hopefully I could get a bit of sleep, even just for a few minutes.

*Weiss's POV*

I heard what I assumed to be Rubys sheets rustling, I took a glance her way and saw that she had her back next to me, she must be trying to go to sleep, I wonder what she's been doing all this time awake? Oh well, I should go back to sleep for as much as I can, wouldn't want to distract her from sleeping.

I lay my head on the pillow once again and close my eyes, drifting back into my dreams with only one thing on my mind, Ruby.

A/N GUESS WHAT STORIES BACK! Yep I will try t update this at least once a week now that I have finished my bumblebee fic. I do have a new story called Survival Burns so if I decide to update that story instead of this one, I apologize. Anyway hope you're as excited as i am abou this story. I know this was a short part but hope u enjoyed anyway! :)

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