On our way

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A/N Sorry guys, it's going to be harder to update because I'm back at University, but I am trying.

Demi's POV

Rustling came from the declined chair beside me, "Demi, go to sleep," Maddie complained. I guess even low brightness on iPads were irritating on dark flights.

"I can't sleep, I'm too excited," I chirped, jumping happily in my declined aeroplane seat, "I've practically been waiting for this since I was 15."

Maddie groaned and rolled back over pulling the covers over her head, "Demi we know, you've mentioned that many times in the last 48 hours." 

"I don't care, this is a dream of mine and if I sleep than I sleep, and if I don't, it doesn't matter," I retorted, looking back at my iPad to continue reading.

"Well Demi, it does matter whether you sleep or not, cause of frickin' jet lag, you of all people should know that." Maddie had a point, but there is not even any point in trying, I'm never get any sleep.

This flight, although direct and private, is so boring and speaking for everyone on this plane, I want to be in Australia already. Flying used to be an exciting experience, now it's a hindrance, especially, because we cannot take a direct flight from LAX to Townsville. It's a private plane from LAX to Cairns, and commercial from Cairns to Townsville. But what can you do, we all just want to get there.

I know there's not going to be any fans waiting at the airport, cause I didn't announce my departure or arrival times, for the sake of mine and my family's privacy. Although I have seen some serious dedication, like laying in the street at 3am. I've never experienced Australians, so who knows how dedicated they are, they could definitely look up flight times and wait endless hours at the airport.

As much as I love to meet fans, after two flights, we're not all happy chappies. 


"Maddie get up," I violently shook her, she seriously slept the whole flight.

She rolled over to face me as I began inclining her chair, "we're landing in Cairns in like 15 minutes, so wake up and put your seat belt up."

"I'm up, I'm up," she announced.

"Glad to see someone finally woke up," Mum sarcastically remarked.

"Yeah Madz, how did you even sleep the whole flight?" I questioned.

"I was too excited to sleep the night before, so I guess I was exhausted this trip," she explained, "Also, that's for waking me up," Maddie punched me in the arm.

"What the f*#k dude, oww," I rubbed my arm, "I couldn't help my excitement, and if you're talking about before, it's you're own fault that you slept so long I was forced to wake you up."

"Whatever, how long till we land cause I'm so bored of..." Maddie began.

A voice came of the intercom, 'Ladies and Gentleman, we will be landing in Cairns in approximately 5 minutes, the weather is currently a sunny 26 degrees Celsius with 92% humidity. Please make sure all your items are secure and seat belts are on with all chairs seated upright. I hope you've had an enjoyable flight, and safely make your way to your connecting flight. Most importantly good luck for the Demi World Tour and enjoy your holiday time.'

"Does that answer your question Maddie?" I tease.

"Ha ha Demi," she mocked, "Put your stuff away, we're landing."


It was a relatively safe landing, as safe as touching the ground in a metal cylinder with little wheels can get. As soon as we arrived we were taken directly to the terminal seating for the commercial connecting flight to Townsville. We were all wearing hoodies, in the heat it wasn't such a great choice, however this way no one would recognize us as we sat around waiting for the flight.

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