HEARTBREAK - Valentine

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"Why the hell are you up so early?"

Jason rolled off the bed, trudged to the kitchen, and groggily looked at Talia, who was leaning next to the refrigerator in a tank top.

"I got hungry," she mumbled.

He looked at her in disbelief. "Do you realise what you're eating?"

Talia frowned. "Chocolate?"

"Do you know what today is?"

She looked at him, confused. "A work day?"

"Today is fucking Valentine's Day."

Her jaw dropped. "Ohhhhhhh."

Jason chuckled. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Mhm. You too."

"What the hell? Say it back!"

"What? No! It sounds stupid."


"Happy Valentine's Day."

"Thank you, love."




"All right, we know what today is. The most dangerous day of our year." Sergeant Grey clapped his hands.

Nolan spoke up. "Valentine's Day, sir? Really? Not Black Friday, not New Year's?"

"That's right, Officer Nolan. Breakups and broken hearts. Jealousy and revenge. All make for a perfect storm of heightened emotion and dangerous situations. Hell, sometimes violence can find you minding your own business at dinner."

Of course Nolan interfered with the Sergeant's personal life. Again.

"Uh, sir?" Lucy raised her hand. "I don't see my TO."

Jason looked to the left. Bradford was absent? On Val— Right. The whole 'my wife is an addict ex-cop who has a dealer boyfriend' thing.

Angela frowned. "You're kidding. Tim hasn't taken a personal day his entire life."

Jason turned to look at Angela and mouthed the name 'Isabel'. She widened her eyes in realisation.

"Be that as it may, he's off today. So, Chen, you'll be assigned to the front desk. All right. That's it. Everybody be safe out there."



The three TOs approached the armory, Jason standing a bit too close to Talia, their arms gently touching.

"Shouldn't you be at the front desk, Boot?" Lopez asked as she saw Lucy at the counter.

"Oh right. Sorry. Muscle memory."

As soon as she walked off, Nolan walked towards them with a big grin that kind of freaked Jason out.

"Officers! I'm having a little get-together tonight. Love if you could join."

Angela immediately nodded it off. "Pass."

"Officer Bishop?"

Angela rolled her eyes. "Don't even bother with her."

"You have plans?"

Jason looked at Talia and raised his eyebrows. She just ignored the question.

"Okay then... Officer Cain?"

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