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It all started when they were in middle school, 7th grade to be precise.

Jonathan Reese was new to the neighborhood; he moved down the street and transferred into Emily Connor's school.

Emily was instantly moved by Jonathan's shy but friendly nature and how similar they both were; she quickly befriends him.

From that day forward, they escalated from awkward friends to crazy unconditional BFFs; doing every wacky thing together. From sleepovers on the roof to rollerskating throughout the mall. They were literally inseparable.

Until Emily unnoticedly disappears on their senior year of high school, without acknowledging where and why. Jonathan was left heart broken; having no clue where his bestfriend is. She suddenly left, without telling him - didn't EVEN say goodbye. It impacted tremendously because not only has he lost his bestfriend, but secretly - his first love as well. He knew nobody-NOBODY-can replace her. But he also knew that eventually he had to move on, and he did.

As 5 years quickly went by, Its been hard but he managed perfectly.

Or so he thought when she showed up on national television as a brand new inspiring actor and rising superstar...


5 Years Later(After Emily disappeared).

(Jon's POV)

I sat in the seat opposite of my manager, Mr. Kenny. I nervously fiddled with my fingers, popping each knuckle while he talked on the phone. No erase that - more like screamed into the phone. My right foot tapped anxiously on the carpeted floor, occasionally sneaking glances at the man behind the desk. 

Mr. Kenny was a chubby man in his late 40's. Wearing the grey and black manager uniform, he has a dark brown beard and a shiny bald head with wrinkles under his eyes and forehead. He can either make you a proud man or he can scare the hell out of you.

"I said bring it tomorrow or else you're fired, Mr. Harrison!" he screamed into the phone. I stared at the brown carpeted floor, waiting for him to finish. See? Point taken.

I was wiping the windows when Mr. Kenny called me into his office, saying he had something important to discuss with me. We were in the middle of it until he got a phone call. Now, I am losing my mind. They've been at it for nearly 10 minutes now! I just want to know why he called me in here. What If I'm getting fired!? I couldn't help but think of all the possibilities. Like what if I did something wrong!? Nononono... I cannot afford to lose this job. I worked way too damn hard to get to where I am today!

My rambling thoughts were cut off when Mr. Kenny slammed the phone down angrily, making me jump in my seat. "What an idiot!" he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll make sure he's fired and banned from ever taking a step into my restaurant again!"

I gulped. Oh shit...

"Uh, Mr. Kenny, sir. Wh-why'd you call me into your office?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

 "Ah yes." He sat up straight.

He coughed and took a gulp of his coffee before continuing, "Jonathan Reese!" he stood up.

I mentally prayed that I don't get fired like Mr. Harrison. Please... please...

Mr. Kenny walked around his desk and started circling me like a vulture. I kept my head held high and looked straight ahead. He squinted his eyes at me like he was inspecting if I was 'good enough.' He stopped infront of me.

 "Stand up!" he commands sternly.

I instantly stood up straight without a single word. I kept my hands behind my back and looked Mr. Kenny in the eye respectfully. I felt sweat dripping off the back of my hair. I waited for him to speak; my expression showed no trace of fear even though my heart was pounding rapidly.

To my surprise, his hard stormy grey eyes suddenly turned soft and his aura became happy and cozy. 

What he said next startled me. 

"Jon!" Mr. Kenny put his hands on each of my shoulders, eyes never leaving mine. "After one long year of working with us, I see that you been putting tremendous effort in everything you do."

Hold up! Is this where I think it's going!?

 He continued, "As your boss I am proud to say: I am promoting you up to assistant manager of McDonalds! Congratulations!"


My eyes sparkled. "R-really?" I breathed out, still shocked. This has gotta be a dream.

Mr. Kenny nodded his head, the smile never leaving his face.

I fistpumped the air and picked Mr. Kenny up, giving him a tight bear hug and surprisingly he wasn't as heavy as I thought he would be!

"Thank you sir! You can count on me!" I said before gently putting him back on his feet.


NEW STORY! I hope it isn't that cheesy... o^o


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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