Chapter One

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Ashton look above^^

It was 6:30, I need to get ready for school. I opened my closet, scanning it for a possible outfit. After a solid ten minutes of searching, I decided on wearing a pastel yellow Peter Pan collar blouse and a black skater skirt. I put on a pair of white vans as well.

Quickly, I ran to the bathroom to curl my hair and do my makeup. "Hey! Hurry up in there, I need to use the bathroom!" Ashton shouted through the door.

"Yeah yeah give me a second!" I replied while putting on lipstick.

"Okay! It's been a second, and Catalina wants you to do her hair!" I opened the door to find Ashton bouncing back and forth.

"Okay okay go pee!" I walked to Catalina's room to do her hair. "Hey Catalina, how do you want me to do your hair?"

"Princess Anna braids!" She answered while hugging her Olaf stuffed toy. I sighed and sat down, doing her hair.

After finishing Catalina's hair I went back to my room to finish up getting ready. I walked over to my nightstand, and picked up the necklace. Looking in the mirror, I put her locket around my neck. Tears started to well up in my eyes, I forced them back and left my room.

I walked into our kitchen and grabbed water bottles and a few apples. Ashton trudged into the room with his royal blue backpack slung over his shoulder. He sat down at the island as I passed him an apple. "Are we leaving soon?" I asked while I taking a bite of the red fruit.

"Yeah, in like five minutes." I nodded and shuffled around the living room looking for my backpack. I found it under the coffee table, it's floral print with a bit of lace. "Alright sista, let's go!" Ashton said standing up from the stool.

"BYE DAD! BYE CATALINA!" I yelled, hoping one of them would hear. We walked into the garage and got into a black Camaro.

When Ashton and I drove together, there wasn't a moment of silence. Every time a song we liked came on we sang our hearts out. Rap to Rock, we sang it all.

Ashton is a year younger than me, but we are pretty close and actually hang out in the same friend group sometimes. We've actually gotten the principal to let Ashton eat lunch at the same time I do.

We got to school with fifteen minutes to spare and waited by the car for our friends to arrive. For a while it was just me and Ashton chilling by the car.

Kiara and Camille were the first to arrive. They're identical twins, the only difference is Kiara has short hair and Camille has long hair. Their mom is my mom's best friend, Victoria. "Happy birthday!" They said in unison.

"Aagh stop doing that! It's creepy!" Ashton whined.

"Thanks guys." I replied while laughing at Ashton's complaints. The twins are a week older than me, so they turned seventeen already. Neither of them found their mates yet though. It was kind of a bummer since they were both anticipating it so much. I was about to say something else when somebody picked me up off the ground and was hung over there shoulder.

"Hey birthday girl!" The person said. I recognized the voice, Calvin.

"Cal! Put me down!" I shrieked while slapping his back. Calvin is Caspar's son and one of my bestest friends. His mom is a rogue, so they don't see her that often. It's just him and his dad most of the time.

"Not until you give me a kiss on the cheek." He laughed. These were the kinds of jokes we made with each other. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I grabbed a piece of his dark brown hair and pulled on it until he set me back down on the ground. "Hey! Not cool!" He rubbed his head as I smirked at him. Ashton and the twins were watching and just cracking up.

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