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***five years later***

The Blood Hunters were settled now, we haven't had a problem with rogues in a long time. Everything seemed at peace.

Everything was changing. We all were growing up, starting families, having kids.

I was the Luna now, and completely mated to one of the most powerful Alpha's on the planet.

"Adam! Can you get Cassius one of his toys?" I yelled down the hall.

In a matter of second Adam came jogging down the halls with a blue teddy bear in his hands and handed it to our two year old son sitting on the living room floor. I was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for everyone coming over.

There was a knock on the door and Adam opened it. Calvin bursted in with his giggling daughter in his arms and a bottle of wine. He came over to Cassius and put Adrienne down with him in the play pen. With a large smile painted on his face he came over to me in the kitchen, kissed me on the cheek and said, "A bottle of bubbly for the lady."

"Thank you, Cal." I smiled and put the bottle of wine on the marble counter.

Camille and Louis came in moments later with Aidan in arm. "Where the other chillens?" Louis asked in a very country sounding tone.

"In the living room." I laughed.


We all sat at a long dining table, the kids in high chairs picking away at some Cheerios.

Everything has changed much and now I am a Luna, have a mate, a son, it's all so crazy to me.

The doors bursted open, and Dominic ran in with his mate trailing behind holding their son.

"Dominic, what's wrong?" I asked a little worried about the look on his face.

His breathing was heavy, "I just got a message from border patrol, there's a problem."

Adam, Calvin and Louis shot up from their seats instantly. "What's the problem?" Adam said in a serious tone.

"There's a rebel rogue pack, after us. A few already attacked some border patrol. They want us to perish, they want the end of the Blood Hunters."

"There's another war starting, isn't there?" I whispered.

"A war we are going to win." Adam announced.



sorry this is so short!! but hey there's a third book coming up soon. it's called Rogue and I will try to post the first few chapters in the next couple days.


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