Chapter Seventeen

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Jett and I ran out of the cells and to the pack house where Emma stays. Adam and Calvin were trailing behind us.

I started to slow down, there was a shooting pain in my right leg causing me to collapse to the ground. I grasped my leg, blood painted my hand. There was a deep gash on my calf, blood was oozing out at an excessive rate.

"Meredith, are you okay?" Jett asked, stopping instantly.

"My leg, Griffin must've cut into me with his claws."

"Can you walk?" At this point Adam and Calvin had stopped as well and were looking at me with concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said while standing up, then collapsing back to the floor. I let out a sharp gasp and winced in pain.

"Here, I'll carry you." Adam offered.

I nodded and he lifted me off the ground and into his arms. We started to run again, there was no way we were letting them kill Emma.

We busted into the doors of the pack house, I told Adam to let me down so I could search for Emma. Broken glass was scattered everywhere, blood coated the walls.

A high scream echoed through the hall. I instantly snapped my head towards the source of the scream and started limping over. A door at the end of the hall was busted open and snapped in half, that was where the screaming came from. I rushed as fast as I could towards there, waving Jett over urgently.

A gray wolf was towering over two kids and a female, thrashing at them. Those exact kids being Luke and Madelyn and the woman, Emma. I knew the wolf instantly.

"Dominic, stand down." I ordered, tottering towards them. He looked at me with confusion, as if I was crazy. "I said stand down, and I mean it. Now Dominic Michael Hart."

After that, he shifted back into human form, throwing on a pair of pants and engulfing me in a hug. "So glad you're okay, Mere."

I smiled and looked at Emma, who was holding the two kids in a hug. "Emma," I whispered, "are you guys okay?"

She nodded slightly and stood up. I helped Luke up and she helped Madelyn. She hugged me, and whispered thank you in my ear.

"Meredith, why are we saving rogues?" Dominic questioned.

"Because they aren't bad. They saved me."

"Emma, have you seen Blake?" Jett butted in.

"No, but he's alive. I feel it, he's injured though. We need to find him soon or he might die." Emma spoke with a pained expression.

I realized something, I didn't feel the pain of Griffin's dying. Yeah, he was my fake mate but my wolf was tricked into thinking he was. I should have felt him die.

It was too late to think about that.

A gut wrenching pain fazed me. I collapsed to the floor, clutching my torso. It wasn't my pain, I wasn't wounded. It was Adam's. I cried out in agony as everyone circled around me.

"Meredith, are you okay?" Someone said incoherently.

"Meredith?" Another voice spoke. I couldn't identify who was saying what.

"Adam..." I said softly "Adam...needs help...he's hurt badly."

Some grabbed hold of my arm and helped me up, the pain was dying down slightly. Dominic had a grip on my forearm, holding me up. We stepped into living room area, couches were torn and a body laid still in the corner. My heart sank as we approached the figure.

Calvin was slumped against the wall, splattered in blood. I stepped closer towards him, squatting down to the ground next to him. "Cal." I whispered. "Cal, please don't be dead. Please."

I lifted my hand towards his neck, dried blood was everywhere. Placing to fingers against his neck, I felt a slow steady heart beat.

Everyone was looking at me with sorrow. Dominic had a sad look on his face, like he was about to shed a tear. "No, Dom, no he's alive I feel his heartbeat."

Relief seemed to wash over him as he moved to the other side of Calvin. I grabbed Cal's hand, holding it in between both of mine. "Wake up Cal, wake up." I whispered.

No response once so ever.

Loud thudding filled the room, I grabbed Calvin's shoulder protectively. Dominic stood up, standing in front of us. Soon, wolves flooded into the room, they were familiar wolves though. My pack.

A large black wolf stepped forward and look at the group. It was my dad. Once he noticed Emma, Jett, and the kids, he snarled and glared at them. Emma shielded the kids protectively and Jett covered her.

"Dad," I said standing up "they aren't bad, they saved me."

He looked at me like I was delusional, and shot daggers back at them. Dominic then cleared his throat, "They are good, Alpha Sterling."

My father shifted and looked at us both and then back at Emma. After a second, he noticed Calvin and his expression softened. A wolf with ashen colored fur stepped forward, eyeing Calvin and letting out a small whimper. The wolf shifted and uncle Caspar stood there with sorrow filled eyes. He looked at his son and moved closer to him.

"I-is he, y-know." He said quietly.

"No, his hearts beating and he's breathing." I answered.

He nodded and looked at my dad for orders. "Take him to the pack hospital," my father boomed. "Bring him to Arthur immediately."

Two wolves from the army behind us came forward and picked up Calvin, steadily carrying him out of the room.

"Where's Adam?" My father asked.

"I don't know, he's hurt though so I need to find him."

"We're coming with you." Emma announced.

"No, you can't. Get the kids to safety, you as well." I replied.

"No, I need to I need to find Bla-" she protested before Jett cut her off.

"Meredith is right, I'll find him Emma. Get Luke and Madelyn somewhere safe."

She nodded and rushed the kids off.


I soon got a trail of Adam's scent and followed it immediately. It was back in the cells. I started to run, well as much as I could with my injured leg. Jett ran ahead of me and Dominic behind. My father was following as well and sent the others off to battle more rogues. Caspar trailed the wolves bringing Calvin back.

I followed the scent all the way to the last cell, the one I dreaded the most. My cell. I slowly stepped towards the cracked walls and opens metal doors.

I stood in the opening and let out a blood curdling scream causing everyone to rush towards me.

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