Away He Goes

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Percy P.O.V.

"I can't love a killer." those are the five words that made me change my mind, that made me leave.


I rush to the Poseidon Cabin and grab a backpack. I throw it on my bunk as I rush around getting clothes folded and supplies ready, I put all the drachmas I can find into a ziplock bag and I stuff a wad of 10$ and 20$ bills in the front pouch of the backpack. I grab a windbreaker jacket and put it on over my sweater. I run out the door ready to leave this camp as fast as I can.

Annabeth P.O.V.

I see Percy sprint out of his cabin and up the hill to Thalia's Pine Tree there's a group of people telling him how worthless he is. I know... because I set it up. When he turns away from the group and starts to walk away from the camp I see him look back towards the strawberry fields and slowly scan the whole camp. His eyes stop at where I'm standing, I cross my arms and frown. He turns away and walks out of the camp boundaries, I feel a tickle in my chest... I feel bad. Bad that I said all those things, bad that he's leaving. But there's no time for regret, only time for moving on.


Poor Percy 😕 how Annabeth does this to him...


BUH BYE!!!!!!

-smithhannah22 😜

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