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My heart raced as I reached out through the water in the air and earth trying to make sense of who was hiding behind me. I felt three armed women, but I didn't stay long enough to use the water as my eyes. I leaped out of the river and ran, my instincts screaming a million different orders. Using the water around me, I wove through the trees as graceful as a doe. The three women where on my heels, but one of them was starting to slow down. I wasn't feeling for any other humans so when I smacked into something hard, it sent me spinning.

"Watch where you're going, can't you see?" Grumbled a deep, masculine, albeit irritated, voice.  

"No, I can't see." I hissed, hearing the women draw closer. "I lost my sight ten years ago, I am blind." I ground out the last word, my heart pounding. He was distracting me from running away. I didn't have the weaponry to fight three armed women, I only had a simple sword.  

"Oh," His voice softened in pity, "I'm sorry, I....."

"I neither need, nor want, your sympathy. Move, I'm being hunted." I told him, pushing against him, but he wouldn't budge. Idiot! Then, dread filled my entire being as I felt the three women run up behind me. They formed a half circle behind me, cutting off my escape. I turned the water around me into my eyes, so I could take in my surroundings without them knowing. I saw now that the women were really sixteen year old girls, just like me. The girl to my left had wild hair the color of pure fire, and skin so pale, it was practically luminescent. Her eyes were very unusual, they were blood red, and though she barely scraped five feet in height, she might as well have had a sign on her forehead saying "bother me and I'll mess you up". This was reinforced by the sleeves of throwing knives strapped to her upper arms. The girl directly behind me was only an inch or two taller, with a slight build just like the red head, but she had a very friendly and sweet face. Her skin and hair were golden, like sunlight. The oddest thing about her hair was that it caught every slight breeze, and it was gently waving behind her like a flag. Her eyes also carried an unusual pigment, hers being a pale yellow. In her hand was a loaded bow, pointed to the ground but still ready to shoot if necessary. The third girl was taller than my five foot-ten inch frame, if only by an inch. Her skin was the color of the earth after it rained, and her hair was just as dark as her skin. Startling green eyes were striking against her dark features. Whereas I was all long limbs and curves where necessary, she was sturdy, with broad shoulders and toned arms and legs. She carried two short swords, grasped tightly in her hands. The apologizing idiot in front of me was tall, broad, and looked exactly like the girl behind me, minus the constantly flowing hair, though it was golden. I assumed that they were related, siblings in all probability.

I turned towards the girls. "Why are you hunting me like a wild animal?" My voice was calm. I, however, was not as indifferent as my voice portrayed me to be. How dare they hunt me! I never hurt them! Why would the corner me like this? 

"Why were you running?" The red head shot back.

"Leah, she asked a reasonable question." The blonde gently scolded her.

"Era, we've never seen her here before. The royal guards could have sent her as an assassin." Said the brunette to Era, the golden girl. Before I could respond Era's brother chose that moment to butt in.

"Maya, she's blind, didn't you notice the way she never looked at you, just in your direction? She's not an assassin, she's weak and disabled." He spoke so firmly, daring Maya to challenge him. My blood boiled. Disabled? So, suddenly because I can't see I'm weak? I whipped around to face him.

"I am not weak." My voice was dangerously low. "I may not see with my eyes but that doesn't make me disabled. I can see through my ears and my Gift." I continued, barely noticing what I had done by revealing that I was Gifted to a stranger. That knowledge could be fatal. "So because you can't see that way, should I call you disabled?" He stumbled backwards like I had slapped him.

"I was trying to protect you." He ground out, barely keeping his composure.

"I don't need your protection! I was a trained warrior in my village, I don't need a stranger to pity me." I stated, holding my chin high in defiance.

"Making friends, Ryan?" Leah asked dryly.

"You're Gifted?" Maya asked. I froze, remembering my words. I turned to face the girls again. I took a deep breath.

"Yes, I am an Elemental." I spoke, praying that they would believe me.

"Really? So are-" Era began but Leah interrupted her.

"Which element are you?" She asked, clearly curious.


"Why should we believe you?" Leah countered.

"Leah!" Era gasped, astonished.

"Era, Leah's right. We don't even know this girl's name and she claims to be one of us." I smiled, that would explain their unusual features, they're Elementals. Leah is of course fire, Era's air and that leaves Maya with earth.

"Great job, blabber mouth, now she knows we're Elementals too." Leah said, noticing my smile.

I called out to the water around me, swirling it around me in my own personal whirlpool. I then directed the water I had gathered at Ryan, shoving it towards him. The water drenched and startled him at the same time.

"I'm sorry Ryan," I said in an overly sweet and innocent voice, "I guess I'm too weak and disabled to control my Gift." I smiled triumphantly while Leah howled with laughter, clutching her stomach.

"I like you girlie; you've got spunk." She said. "What is your name?"

"Nereida Alexander."

"Well Nereida Alexander, welcome to the group. Come on, I'll show you back to camp."

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