The Proposal

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           "Wow, I wish I could use my Gift like that." Era commented wistfully. Wait, what?

           "You mean, you can't?" I swear, my eyes were so wide they could jump out of my head at any moment. "At all?"

           "Oh please, we can't all be a blind warrior princess traipsing through the woods," Maya said snidely from her seat to my left. Ignoring her comment, I stood up and began pacing the room in frustration. How could they not be connected to such a major part of themselves? How do they know who are without their Gifts?

            "I'm not Gifted," Ryan began, and I nodded my head to signal that I was listening as I kept pacing. "The girls have never had anybody to teach them anything about their Gifts, or Gifteds in general; our parents disappeared when I was ten and they were only eight." They didn't know anything? Well we'd have to fix that.

           "I have a proposal for you four. " I announced as I turned and stood tall in the middle of room. "For some reason that I've yet to figure out, the Royals have been persecuting Gifteds, and I want to go to the Capital and do something about it." I took a deep breath and prayed to the Holy Father that they'd go for what I was about to say. "In exchange for you accompanying me, I will teach you about Elementals and Gifteds." I crossed my fingers behind my back where they couldn't see and hoped that they would agree.

          "Of course I'll go!" Era shouted with glee, and I winced at the sudden burst in volume. Then I realized what she said and grinned.

           "Really?" I asked, excited and relieved at the same time.

           "Well, yeah, you obviously need us, so yeah I'll come!" Era exclaimed and I was blown away at how loyal she was, like her element. I mentally took note of her potential; only the most powerful Elementals share characteristics with their elements before they complete their training, let alone begin it.

        "You are not going!" Ryan thundered, and I turned and glared at him. He was on his feet now; his younger sister cowering in the seat next to him. That infuriated me. This was a strong, Gifted Air Elemental. I know they weren't known to like confrontation, but she certainly didn't need to be bullied into bending her will to his.

          "That is not your decision, I believe its Era's." I growled as I stepped towards him again, going toe-to-toe with him-again.

           "I am letting her run off with some stranger and get herself killed!" Really, is yelling all this guy does?

          "She won't be running off with a stranger, Ryan," Leah cut in, rising and standing beside me, wrapping her arm around my waist. "I'm going to help Nereida, too."

          "Oh not you, too...." Ryan groaned as I rolled my eyes at his childishness. Idiot.

         "Honestly, if you're that concerned, you should come with us." I told him.

         "I'm the man of this house--" Ooh, he did not just pull that sexist card.

         "Now listen here you," I hissed, "I don't care if you're male, female, or a sea sponge! You don't get to look down on someone because of their gender! And you certainly don't get to order them around! These are strong young women, and we'll be fine without you!" I turned to Maya. "Maya, you in or out?"

        "Are you kidding me?" She said, raising her eyebrow and practically flying out of her chair. "After that, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

        "Great! Then we'll leave in two days time. That should give us just enough time to start on you're training." I told my team, a small smile setting in my face.

         "Alright," Leah cried, grinning wildly, "I'll show you your room,"

        "Goodnight everyone!" I called and followed Leah out of the room.

         "Wait!" Ryan called and we all turned to him expectantly. "I'll go with you." He mumbled, looking at the ground.

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