How awkward

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I woke everyone up early and told them we were going out for food. Every Friday I took ponyboy and sodapop to the Dairy Queen for a shake since mom and dad used to but today I just took the whole gang. I woke up feeling pretty good. We walked out of the house and walked over there. It took us like 30 minutes walking distance.
"Wow look at that wreck" Steve skipped to a blue almost grey beetle with headlights on top of it parked outside. It was really old. I wonder if it even works and why are the lights on top instead of the front where they belong?
"Man I wonder who owns it" soda laughed.
"Guys just leave it alone and step away, the owner might come out" I warned them.
"Yea well I bet the owner is as messed up as this car" Steve slapped his hand on it.
"Can we just go eat I'm starving" Johnny muttered.
"Cmon guys you want the food or not? Remember I'm paying and if you don't go inside I ain't getting you nothing" I said to them, almost laughing because threatening them is one of the only ways they actually listen. I held the door for them until they were all inside we sat on a big table and at the end we saw a table of girls laughing. They were pretty loud.
"I'm pretty sure they aren't from here or I would've seen them before" dally said. He was right,I had never seen them before, this town is really small that's why everyone knows everyone and everything about each other. There was four girls but one of them stood out from me. She was really pretty. She had long straight hair with hazel eyes, pale skin and a  really nice smile. She was wearing long black boots with black jeans and a burgundy shirt with a denim shirt over it.There was two blonde and one brunette girl sitting with her. Oh snap they turned around. I think they noticed us staring at them. Gees how awkward. I proceeded to sitting at the edge of the table. And we waited till the waiter came.
"Hey did yall see those chicks? They were cute huh?" Dally said.
They all looked at me like they wanted me to answer or something
"I'd be lying if I said no" I replied getting the menu off the table.
"Wow Darryl was checking out girls? When was the last time he did that?" Soda said pretending to count.
"Like years maybe" Steve laughed with sodapop.
"Shut up" I said.
"They are right, Darry how come you don't get yourself a girlfriend?" Pony asked.ugh why are they talking about this? How did this even come Why me?
"Yea Darry why? Or are you from the other side?" Twobit said almost dying of laughter with the rest of the gang.
I guess I stayed quiet for too long.
"Just shut up. I am not from the other side and it's just there is no time for girls alright and why is this waiter taking so long?" Sodapop and Steve just looked at each other and laughed. Finally the waiter came and took our order. We each ordered the same thing as always a burger and fries and a coke. Pony and Johnny got a milkshake. I could just hear the girls laughing behind us. I wonder why they were laughing. I wanted to turn around but I didn't because what if they saw me staring again that would be weird...

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