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We where at home watching tv. It was already 5pm. The rain had come down like today was its only chance. Really hard which was weird because it was also hot.
"I think the earth is gonna explode" Twobit said taking a drink off his beer.
"Please don't say that" Johnny said looking at the tv.pony was looking out the window.
"Sucks for the people outside" he said.
"So what did the chick say, the one at the Dairy Queen?" Dally asked
"Nothing" I replied.
"What do you mean nothing you were with them for like an hour man they had to say something" soda said.
"I just helped her fix her car and she said thank you and introduced me to her other friends and I told her to call if she needed anything"
I hope that is enough for them and they can let it go.
"I bet 5 bucks she won't call you within today" Steve said.what they are betting now. They act like I haven't talked to a girl in my life.
"Bet she will" Twobit said.
"Omg shut up" I said getting up to the kitchen.
"Aw you scared him away now" pony laughed. I was gonna make lunch when I heard the phone ring. And Steve ran to answer. I was in the fridge getting the stuff I need.
"Darry its for you" Steve yelled
"Who is it" Twobit asked.
"It's a girl" he said it like it was a surprise. I went to get the phone. I was hoping it was Brook honestly.
"Um hello it's me Brook we met a while ago at the Dairy Queen I think it's called" omg score! Yes she called.
"Oh hey Brook yea what's up" I'm tryna seem calm even tho I'm exploding in the inside of happiness I didn't want the guys to know.
"Well so my plan on staying up in the car kinda backfired so I'm gonna need to know about the place you told me about" I wondered what happened
"Oh yea totally um where are you? I can go get you guys if you want" I hope she says yes.
"oh yes thanks that would really help um I really don't know tho we are in a lot you know kinda empty really big there is a park close idk if that helps" yes they weren't that far and I had an idea where she was.
"Yea I think I know where ya are" just wait we will be there soon."
"Thank you so much Darry" ugh she's was so cute and I couldn't wait to see soon as I hung up the guys were just dead looking at me.
"So?!" Dally said.
"They want us to go pick them up"
"No way Darry" Steve said walking out the kitchen all dirty of chocolate cake.
"Who wants to come with me" I said
"I'll go we can take Steve's car" soda said holding the keys in his hand. We walked out
"Be careful with the rain" Johnny said "be careful with my car" steve yelled
"Thanks Johnny " I yelled from outside and flipped Steve off on my way to the door. I was on my way to see her again how swell but i also wondered what had happened..

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