Chapter Two: Truth or Dare and Blushing (Part 1)

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Nova Dreyar's POV

I get all my chips, candy, ice cream, sweets, all that kind of things, and set them on the counter. Poor Rose..

Rosemary Fernandez, daughter of Ezra Scarlett and Jellal Fernandez. She is very beautiful, having red hair and redish, brownish eyes compliment her. Her magical abilities  are  crystal control and energy manipulation and she likes nature, mementos, and music. Her hobbies are sword fighting, dancing, and sewing,  she loves awards and profit, but never greedy. She doesn't know what holding back is and she has this huge magic potential that puts her in the eyes of mages all over the continent!

She is one of the strongest people I know, she is always strong for people. But nobody is perfect, especially her. She broke down, for a good reason of course. She was about to be raped! The thing I'm most curious about is how strong she is yet she couldn't do anything about him.  It's confusing.

"DING DONG DING DONG" the doorbell goes off." It's probably Rose," I say to myself. I swing open the door and see Rose.

Rosemary's POV

Nova opens the door and peers at me " ROSE!!!" She tackles me with a hug and luckily,  I don't fall! " Hey," I mumble in her hair, hugging her back." Come in! You are the first to come, like always. You already know where to put your things." she said quickly. I hand her two bags of candy, a box of popcorn bags, and a tube of ice cream" I brought things."

I walk upstairs to her room and place my things down. Look the same, I guess a month isn't really that long. I look out the down but something is off in her room. I close her door and look behind her mirror, there was a lump on the back. I see a slit and I pull it and a notebook falls out. It was black and white, decorated with pictures of the gang, of her family. I open it and the first page read " Dear Diary, Today was ummm... interesting? I'm not sure.. I can't stay soon but I will tell you something. I have a crush on Gale! Sure, he's mean and messed up, but that's just a cover! He is so sweet and nice! I haven't told anyone and I probably won't. I feel bad but a girl needs her privacy! I have to go, write you tomorrow! Love, Nova!" Nova Dreyar has a crush on Gale Redfox!!

Wow! I place the diary back and put the paper over it. I look around and see something glinting from the TV.  I pull 6 photos out from under her TV and they were surprising. 3 of them were of Rin and me, wait what! I look at them intensely, one of them is us walking on the beach, his hand is trying to hold mine but he is hesitant. The other is of him carrying me to my bed, bridal style while I'm sleeping. And the last one is of him putting his arms around me and I'm looking up at him while he looks down at me. Wow.. HOW THE FUDGE DID SHE GET THESE PHOTOS?!?! I DON'T REMEMBER THEM!!! SHE PHOTO-SHOPPED!!

The last two were very surprising! The first one I pulled was a strip one from a photo booth, she was with Gale.  There was 5 photos, one was them smiling, she was on his lap and he was holding her. The second section was of them making funny faces, third was him looking at her while she looked down smiling. Fourth one was of her kissing his cheek and the fifth one was him kissing her cheek, both blushing terribly in both photos. The last photo was of them laying together, he bent his head and she pushed her head and they were kissing!

OMG!!! OMG OMG!!!! "NOVA DREYAR!!!" I yell while running down the stairs. I accidently trip and start rolling down the stairs" Ow. Ouch! That hurts!" I finally stop rolling and I get up, only to see everyone standing there. I run to Nova and grab her hand and run up the stairs. I quickly pull her into her room and she asks" What?!" I look at her and shove the photos in her hand and says" You are dating Gale?!" Her blue eyes went wide and she gulped" Yes, yes I am." I look at her with a smile and say" Good for you!" She smiled back and laughed" Come on everyone arrived! Time to play truth or dare!"

She grabbed my hand this time and pulled me down the stairs. Everyone was sitting on the floor in a circle, waiting for us. It was Reiki, Nash, Luna, Storm, Rin,  Akatsuki, Sylvia, and Gale. Akatsuki  Eucliffe, son of Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney. He is really close, no matter if he is in Sabertooth. He doesn't have his powers yet but soon though, hopefully. He  likes bowties and ties and he has a crush on Sylvia. He is Sabertooth's logkeeper, he's very intelligent, and his hobbies are reading, writing, and photography. I squeeze myself in between Sylvia and Gale while Nova went between Gale and I.

"Ok I will go first since it's my house!" Nova said and spun the bottle. We play truth or dare with a bottle so it would be fair. It spun and landed on... Gale! " Truth or Dare Gale," she asked with a mischievous tone." Dare," he scoffed. " I dare you to put to take your shirt off and wear it as a hat!" she said, happy with it.

We all laughed as he did what he was told and looked so hilarious! He spun the bottle and it landed on.. Storm! " Truth or Dare," Gale asked." Truth," he respond. " Do you like someone?" he asked suspiciously. We all looked at him, wanting to know the answer. He blushed and fumbled" Yeahhh." We all coo'ed and he spun the bottle and it landed on.... Me!! " OOOoo! Truth or Dare Rose?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "

Dare, "I say with confident. " I dare you to kiss my brother for two minutes!" " WHAT?!!?!" Both Rin and I yell. " If you don't do this, you have to sleep outside with a blanket and pillow. Your call." I was flustered and I was fidgeting" Is it ok with Rinrin?" He gulped and nodded and  I scooted over to him." I wrap my leg around his waist and my hands around his neck.

I push my lips against his and he places his hands on my back and kisses back. My hands travel to his jaws then to his hair and his hands were around my waist, pulling me closer than I already was. My legs unwrapped from his waist and I sat on them so I could turn my head to be comfortable. He pressed me closer to him like he was going to lose me and my hand cupped his face and-" Time up!"  Storm yelled

. I let go of him but his hand lingered on my back but he quickly removed it. I scooted back to my seat, my face was beat-red and everyone was looking at me then Rin, then me then him. " That was very heated," Storm said. "Both of your lips look swollen," Nova pointed out. I touch my lips and they felt a bit bigger than usual.

" I fuc-freakin don't like you a lot right now Storm ," I growled at him. He flinched and I grabbed the bottle and spun it and it landed on... Reiki!!! " Truth or Dare Brother," I say while smiling creepily. " Truth," his voice shook in fear. MWHAGAHHAHA!!!
HI GUYS!!!! Immmmmmm super super SUPER sorry about not updating!!! I will try to do more!!! Hope you like this chapter and if you do, vote and comment for it!!! BYEEEEE!!!
-Theawkardburrito ✌️❤️

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