Chapter Three: (Part Two)

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Rin's POV

She smiled and laughed mischievously. We all laughed, that's our Rosemary. She is quite beautiful, in every single way. She could make anyone smile and laugh just by smiling and laughing.. She is never fake, all natural. The other girls got nothing on her, she is brains and brawns. She is strong, caring, smart, nice, wonderful, and annoying at times. She goes through wars with herself and the way he father treated her makes me mad, big time. And that guy from today, let's just say he accidentally won't see day light anymore. Who the fudge does that?! NOBODY TOUCHES MY GIRL!! But sadly she isn't my girl, she's nobody's. I really, really, really, REALLY want to ask her to be mine but it will ruin our friendship. But that dare that my stupid brother forced her to do, I felt that it was always forced."Rin. Rin! I'm throwing her!" I heard a voice and I turn my head and see Rose flying towards me, her eyes wide.

I catch and her, bridal style. " RIN YOU ARE TOUCHING MY BUTT!!" she flailed, her face as red as her hair. I moved my hand and blushed. Rose got up and walked over to Nash and in 3 seconds flat, she has a knife to his neck and her feet shoved into his wrist. "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!!" she threated him. "Get off my brother.." Luna stood up. Rosemary let him go and stood up, putting the knife away. "So your brother can throw me, touch my body which I'm not comfortable with, on the same day I was almost raped. Ok, ok, o-" her voice broke and tears welled her eyes. "Rosemary.." the Dragneel kids whispered in unison and stretched out to her. She walked back and grabbed her bag " I I I need to get something from the store. I-I-I will be right back." She turned towards the door, opened it, and ran away. "GO RIN!" Nova yelled and I jump, running after her.

She broke, she actually broke. The thing about Rose is she never cries in front of anyone and she keeps her emotions in. She just keeps it all in and bottled up. But when she fights, everything goes into it. Poor girl. Her put together hair came undone and fell into a wild, untamed mess. I love when her hair is like that. It's quite beautiful, natural. "Rose!!" I yell at her, almost catching up with her. She ran faster, but I did too. This time I was faster. I grab her by the waist and lifted her up . She started trying to kick me so I put her down. She attempted to run again but then I grab her, again, by the waist but this time, my hands stronger. Her face was blotchy red, tears stains on her cheek. Tears still rolled down her cheek still and it pained me incredibly. Oh my god, its hurting me so bad. I look away and shut my eyes while clenching my jaw. "Let go of me Rin," she tried squirming out of my hold. "No Rose," I turn back to her and looked her straight into the eye. I grab her jaw and leaned in.

I close my eyes and kissed her. She stood there but then she pushed me away and walks away, away from the house. "Rose, rose, ros-" I called out for her but realized it was for nothing. After all these years of conflicting with my emotions, debating between my feelings. After all this time, it was for nothing. She never liked me, ever. Dang that hurts a lot. Kinda shattered my heart, the girl I liked. No the girl I loved never loved or even like me back. Wow. My feet started moving although I didn't want to. I wanted to run after Rose, and demand her to talk to me. But that will get me nowhere. For years, she was all I could think about. Nothing's changed obviously. I get to Nova's house but I can't will myself to actually go inside the house. I decided to just sit down on her porch, so I just sit. I put my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. Damn, this is hurting really bad. Is this how those other girls feel when I plainly reject them? I'm not mean about it, I just reject them because there was always Rose. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt I roll down my cheek. I'm acting like such a lovesick puppy.

I just always thought she at least had a little bit of feelings for me. I'm so stupid!! Gawd!! I feel a vibration from my pocket of my sweats, it was my phone. I pull it out and see Rose is trying to call. Why would she try to call me? She kind of broke my heart, can I have a little time? But it seemed urgent and I couldn't resist. "What do you need Rose?" I asked with sadness in my voice, not purposely but that's how my voice is right now. "Meet me at the park near Nova's house." she stated. "But w-"she hung up on me. She is such a frustrating girl, UGHHH!!! You are the one who loves her, my thoughts interrupted me. Shut up, I grumbled back. I get up and wipe my stupid tears away. The park wasn't so far away, maybe a 10 minute walk but I just thought running would clear my mind so I did. Why does she want me to go to the park?! She's messing with my head, it's just so freaking confusing!!! Why? I finally stopped running so I can take a deep breath. I look around and realize. I am at the park.

I walk the sidewalk towards the playground and see Rosemary, sitting on the old wood bench. Funny because we all have memories right on that bench. I approach it and sat next to her. She didn't say anything, just sat there. Her face was blank, expressionless. Emotionless. I didn't know what to do, there wasn't much to say. It seemed like too much tense. I didn't really- I couldn't seem to look at her much. So I just look around. It is fall, kinda cold. But it was beautiful. Orange leaves on the floor, it decorates it so well. I eventually got tired of this silence that lasted at least 20 minutes. I am just going to say sorry, anything to clear the tension. "Rose I'm sorry for kissing you. I shouldn't have." I say with sympathy in my voice. "Don't apologize." she stated, finally looking at me. "Why? We clearly have different feelings for each other." I turn in her direction so we are eye-to-eye. "But I don't want to apologize for this," she bit her lip. Oh gosh that was so cute. "For w-" I was cut off by her crashing her lips on mine.

It was full of passion, pure love. It wasn't like anything I felt before. I finally ended the shock and kissed her back with the same passion and love. Her soft lips tasted like strawberry cake, lip balm not actual cake. She slipped her hands behind my neck, near my tattoo. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her closer to me so she was easier to kiss. This is what I have been waiting for and damn, it was awesome. She pulled away and blushed really bad that it was the color of her mom's hair. "Dang" she whispered. I smirked and cupped her cheek with one of my hands" I have been wanting to do that for a long time." She blushed even deeper than before. "Now it's my turn to steal a kiss," I smirked again. "Oh really? Well if you are, you better make it good," she smirked this time. "Oh I will" I removed my hands from her waist and laid her on the bench. I corner her by placing my arms on both sides of her head. I leaned in and kiss roughly but with care. Her hands traveled to my shirt and grabbed it in fists. It was So after all these years of kissing my pillow, this is finally what it was like. Totally different.

"ROSE!!" "RIN!!" I heard our friends calling us. We stopped kissing and I gave Rose a panicked look. I moved my hands and got up as well as her. She put her hair in a braid amazingly quick and whispered" I'm going to hug you to cover my lips, you put your head on the top of my head so it comes your lips. Not as bad as mine but still. DON'T STRIP!!" she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled her head in my chest. I wrap my arms around her and snuggle my head in her head. Although we were only doing this to hide what we were doing, this was nice. I wanted to stay in that moment forever.


And That's how you end a chapter!!! It was very fun writing this. Hopefully you like this chapter. Please vote, comment, and follow me. So BYE!!!!!!


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