Chapter 2: A Morning with the Curtis'

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I popped my eyes open at the sound of grease crackling on the frying pan.  The house was filled the aroma of eggs and bacon.  I looked over at the clock hanging from the wall. ‘9:30 already!  I’m almost late.’  I nearly jumped up from the couch like I was having a seizure. 

“Morning Sleeping Beauty.”  Soda said from the kitchen. 

“Hey, you’re one to talk Sodapop Curtis.  I’ve seen you sleep til noon a couple times.  You got nothing on me. “  I replied with a smartass attitude.

He smirked at me,  “Well played Colleen Davis, well played.” 

Ponyboy walked into the kitchen from his room as I was sitting down.  He slowly pulled his chair out from the table and sat down.  He was hiding his face. 

“Hey Ponyboy, how’s it going?” I asked, but he didn’t reply.

“Pony, is something wrong?” Soda asked sounding concerned at this point.  Soda has always been watching out for him and I admired him because of that. 

Ponyboy lifted up his face from his hand; a big blue bruise stretch across his right eye.  We all gasped at the sight and Darry started to get angry. 

“Damnit Pony, was it them damn Socs?  How many times did I tell you not to hang out with that red headed Soc!?  You don’t ever think.”  Darry yelled as he scrapped the remaining food off his plate. 

“Darry you don’t have to yell at him like that.  You can’t blame him for hanging out with that Soc, in fact, maybe he got jumped like everyone does.”  Soda said as Ponyboy was starring down at his fingers that were now intertwined with each other. 

Darry just grumbled and shuffled into the living room to grab his tool belt.  “I’ve got to get to work.  Would you guys keep a low profile, who knows if those Socs are still hanging around.”  With that, he took the keys from the table and slamming the door.  The car quickly drove away and it was the three of us at the table eating our eggs.  

The door swung open and in came Two-Bit, Steve, and Johnny.  Two-Bit headed straight for the icebox for some chocolate cake and a bottle of beer.  Steve plopped down on the couch and turn on the TV to Mickey Mouse as came on and Two-Bit joined him.  Johnny silently sat down next to Ponyboy and he had some new cuts on his face.  The expression he gave to Pony showed that something was up between them, but I know that they were probably together when Pony got jumped.  As the clock ticked closer to 10, I announced that I had to get going to the Dingo where I worked. 

“Hey sneak me some beers.”  Two-Bit hollered.

“Sally would fire me for that and I need that job.  You know she’s strict; she’s kicked you out twice already” I replied.

He huffed, “I don’t know why you would ever want to do something like that.

“To get money! That why! You should try it sometimes instead of getting drunk.”  I replied. 

“We both know that’s never gonna happen.”  Two-Bit grumbled as he took another swig of his beer.

 “I see you guys later.  Stop by the Dingo sometime.”  I said as I waved to the remaining gang. 

“Colly, wait up…” A familiar voice trailed behind me. It was Sodapop.  “I just wanted to invite you to come with me to the movies tonight.”

“Yeah, defiantly, we can make fun of people like we always do.” I laughed. 

“Cool, I’ll come after you get off work and we can go from there.  I’ve got some news for you.” He smiled at me.  Even though he’s my best friend I couldn’t help but get a million butterflies in my stomach.  I’m not sure that what this means.  I wish Mrs. Curtis was still here because she always helped me with these things.  She knew my situation at home and was more like a mother than my real mother is or ever will be.

“I can’t wait! I’ll try to get off earlier.  Come by at five and I bet I can get Sally to give me the rest of the day off. “  I said as I started backing up because I was really late to work.  

“See ya at five!”  Sodapop hollered as he started walking backwards towards his gate. His red flannel shirt fluttered in the wind as his muscles popped from his white t-shirt.  To be honest I started to melt inside.  

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