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Kat sat up quickly and reached over to Audrey, snatching the tickets while running through the door. "Sorry Auds, gotta go! Peace Cassie!" She quickly shouted behind her before the door swished closed.

"Well that was fast. Wonder why..." Audrey said before shrugging and ordering another coffee to go. "Well Cassie, what's up?" Audrey asked the small girl, leaving Kat to do whatever Kat does.


When Kat arrived at her front door she quickly slammed it open. "Thank god no ones home." Kicking off her shoes hastily, she almost full out ran toward her bedroom.

"ohmygodohmygoshohmyjesusholyspiritandetc..." Kat quickly chanted under her breath as she held the tickets. She almost thought she was dreaming but a quick pinch said otherwise. "These are my children and I must protect them." Shoving them down her bra she was pretty satisfied that no one would take them from there.

It was only about 3 pm which meant Kat had a good 5 hours to burn off. of course she spent them editing. Whipping out her iPad she first checked twitter.

Nicki Minaj ; So ready for my concert!!! Barbs there's also a special surprise announcement later!! 🙋🙋💎💎💋💋

"This day keeps getting better and I'm lovin it." Kat sighed in happiness, flopping back onto her bed with her ipad resting on her chest. A million thoughts ran through her mind and they were all about Nicki Minaj.

The thing was she was totally in love with her.

Everything about her too. Her music inspired Kat, her take to fame, her face, her personality, her 'fuck that' attitude, even her butt!

'Jesus I'm a nicki minaj junkie..' Kat rolled over onto her side, the iPad sliding onto the bed. A nervous feeling bubbled up when she thought of actually meeting Nicki. 'Wonder if she'll like me...'

Shrugging quickly since it didn't matter right now, Kat got up and looked for something to snack on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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