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Alexia "Kat" van Buren

Age: 24

Hobbies: dancing and YouTube

Job/collage: studying to be a singer

Best Friends: Audrey, hailey, gillian and Cassie

Living: with Gillian


Audrey Arce

Age: 24

Hobbies: drawing and horseback riding

Job/collage: studying to animate tv shows

Best Friends: Alexia, Hailey, Cassie, Gillian and Thomas

Living: with Cassie


Gillian Vantas

Age: 24

Hobbies: drawing and cosplaying

Job/collage: studying in Animal Behavior

Best Friends: Alexia, hailey, and Audrey

Living: with Alexia


Hailey Cattin

Age: 24

Hobbies: horse back riding and film

Job/college: studying to be a vet

Best friends: Audrey, gillian, Alexia and Thomas

Living: alone


Cassie Novak

Age: 25

Hobbies: writing, watching NASCAR racing

Job/college: wants to be a writer

Best friends: audrey, dean, and Alexia

Living: with Audrey


Dean Winchester

Age: 25

Hobbies: hunting

Job/college: NASCAR racer

Best friends: cassie, audrey, thomas

Living: with Thomas


Thomas Baker

Age: 25

Hobbies: writing

Job/college: model

Best friends: dean, hailey, Audrey

Living: with dean


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