Later that Day

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By the time the trio had finished their lattes it was already a bit past noon. And Hailey still hadn't shown up.

"What's keeping her for so long? Not really like her..." Audrey whispered while warming her hands by blowing into them.

"No clue.." Alexia watched as Audrey's breath trailed up like smoke in the cold air. "Maybe something happened?"

"No shit." Audrey turned her gaze to stare at Cassie. Cassie got nervous, and started to gaze at the ground. "Cassie...who is your ex anyway? Change of topic I know, but it's been bugging me."

Cassie looked ready to cry all over again. "i..i don't want to think about him. I don't want to cry infront of everyone...Lets just call Hailey and check on her and then go."

Audrey sighed and dropped her eyes. "I guess...I'll call her. Be right back!" She them Took her phone out and dialed Hailey's number, leaving the two girls alone.

"Hey Cassie, since Audrey's gone and she's kind of....well her, if you ever need anything just let me know, k?" Alex or Kat said, and smiled at Cassie.

"Hehe, I got it. Thanks Kat! your really nice to me and have made me feel welcome!" Cassie smiled back at Kat and giggled a bit. "I now know if....he...ever shows his face around here I got someone to break his nose and someone to heal my broken heart."

Kat looked taken back at the last comment. "Oh uh, sorry I don' know...just friends."

Cassie then got the message. "oh no. I'm sorry I just....thought... I mean I knew and I guess that was really over the top for me since I did just get out of a relationship...I'm sorry!" She teared up and hid her face in her sweater.

"Ack..its ok Cassie, seriously! I already like someone is all. it's not you! Your really pretty honestly." Kat awkwardly patted Cassie shoulder.

"Really? Who?? Oooh please tell me! I love romance! I won't tell! I promise." Cassie looked up from her sweater and started wiggling her fist in the air. Like some weird happy dance but with less dancing.

"Well..i guess so. But you can't tell anyone."

"I won't!"

"Pinky promise?" Kat stuck out her pinkie to Cassie. She glanced up at her through her blue bangs and gave Cassie a smile.

"Pinky promise!" Cassie locked their pinkies together and laughed. "Now say who you likkkkke!" She giggled again and drew her hands away to stuck them in her sweater pocket.

"Well it's more love...Its um..."

" Um whattttttt!!! c'mon don't be shy now!"

" Nickiminaj..."


"I SAID....Nickiminaj..."



" ok...ever met her before?" Cassie asked, innocence swirling in her blue eyes. "she sounds really nice!"

" you even know her?" Kat questioned, thinking Cassie didn't even know about celebs and what was hot on the media.

"Nope! But I already ship it!!" Bouncing and squealing she twirled in a circle. "Kicki!! Hm...Nat! Minkat? I'm bad at ship names..."

Kat giggled and twiddled her thumbs. " I haven't met her..yet."

"But she will soon!" Audrey had come back, she tucked her phone in her back pocket and went to stand next to Kat. "Cause hailey hooked us up with these sick puppies.." Reaching behind her she pulled out three Nicki Minaj concert tickets. "Supposedly, some guy called Thomas gave her these but Hailey isn't into dates so she gave them to us! Why he bought three I don't know but whatever!"

Kat stood stunned while Cassie squeaked in glee. "MINKAT! MINKAT! MINKAT!" She chanted around Audrey and Kat.

"Minkat? Is that a shipping name?" Audrey looked bemused and laughed at Cassie's happy dance.

"Shut up...." Kat snatched the tickets out of Audrey's hand and started to walk away. "Meet me here at 8!"

A Nicki Minaj love storyWhere stories live. Discover now