fAce to fAce

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Spencer's POV

When Aria discovered that Ali was missing we tried to be as quiet as possible looking for her.

We checked the entire living room, her front yard, we headed upstairs and she wasn't in Melissa's room we finally checked the bathroom in Melissa's room and we found a note

"Oh where, oh where can little Ali be? Oh where, oh where can she be? Don't underestimate me Bitches.

We both got super scared and sent an S.O.S to the other girls. I put on some actual clothes and so did Aria and we snuck out of the house as quietly as possible.

"Spencer I'm scared." Aria whined

"So am I, but we have to suck it up for Ali."

We saw Emily and Hanna running to us in the distance.

"What the hell happened." Emily asked out of breath.

I handed her the note and they both flipped out.

"I'm calling Caleb." Hanna said walking off.

"I should probably call Ezra." Aria said pulling out her phone.

I called Toby and once we were all together we got another text

"A whole search party just for Ali? Good luck finding her bitches. It's not gonna be that easy.

Why does A have to do this? Didn't he do enough to Ali already?

We all teamed up and went in search for Ali. I'm with Emily and Toby and were at the park looking for her, Hanna is with Caleb and they are searching anywhere around town , and Aria is with Ezra looking at the school.

If any of us find something we're gonna send out an SOS.

Ali's POV

I'm in the back of a van. I know it's moving but I don't know where I'm going. My phone has battery but I barely have a signal.

I was half asleep when A took me I didn't realize what was happening until I was outside.

We've been driving around for almost a hour and we are probably out of Rosewood by now. I'm terrified that he's gonna do something to me again.

Eventually we came to an abrupt stop and I fell forward. A slid the door open and pulled me out.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked getting up off the floor."

"Because I have too. You treated all of us like shit and now it's your turn." A said and it wasn't a guy voice.

"What the hell! You're a girl?"

"Yes Alison I'm a girl. What's the problem?"

"I just thought you did something to me. Never mind... Where am I ?"

"You're still in rosewood don't worry about it."

I looked around and recognized where I was. We were a junkyard near an old park.

I looked around a bit longer before I decided I was going to run. I ran towards the park and A was right behind me.

She tackled me to the ground and I ended up on top of her after struggling for a while.

I put my hand on her mask and ripped it off her face. When I saw who it was I was shocked.

" the girls are gonna be so pissed when I tell them it's you. Especially  Emily."

" Alison don't tell them or I'll kill you."

I punched her in the nose and kicked her in her side and ran towards the park.

The school was only ten minutes from there so I could probably outrun her.

I could hear someone yelling my name from the school so I started to run faster.

"I'm here." I yelled back. I didn't realize I was crying until I spoke.

I ran into the driveway and saw Aria. she ran to me and gave me a hug.

"Oh my god Alison what happened?" She asked but I was too out of breath to answer.

Ezra followed behind her and told me to sit down.

"Call the others and tell them we have her and then she will tell us what happened." He said

Once everyone else was here, I was more calm. I didn't know how to tell them who A is.

"Ali are you just gonna sit there or tell us what happened?" Hanna said

I was quiet for about a minute  before I finally said something.

"A didn't rape me."

"How do you know Ali? I thought you said you didn't know who did it." Spencer asked confused.

" It was a girl..."

"What the hell! Who was it." Aria asked


"No that's impossible."

"I saw her face Emily. It was Paige."

"Don't be so surprised I always knew there was something wrong about Paige." Hanna added

"Hanna!" Caleb whispered and we all giggled.

"Ali maybe you should just stay at my apartment. You are the most save there since I'm always home." Caleb offered

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry about it Ali."

"Thanks." I said getting up "Do you think maybe you can take me there now I kinda just want to sleep."

"Sure thing." He said getting up and taking me to his car.

The rest of the girls went back to Spencer's and I fell asleep once I got to Caleb's.

I couldn't stop thinking about one thing though. If A didn't rape me, who did?

Pretty Little Liars: Alison is pregnantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora