Mixed emotions

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Hanna's POV

I told everyone what happened the other night. They all seemed to feel bad because hearing about Ali breaking down like that was so weird for them.

She hasn't really been around for a couple of days. She's been cooped up in the small room of Caleb's apartment. She talks to him occasionally but that's it.

We all decided we were gonna go see her today so we left my house and headed to Caleb's.

When we got there he was trying to get Ali to get out of the room but she refused.

"Hey guys." He said looking defeated.

We all said hi and walked into the small room where Ali was. She looked terrible. Her eyes are all puffy because she was crying and her hair was a mess.

"Alison what is going on with you?" Aria asked going to hug her.

"I don't know." She admitted sitting up on the small bed.

"Ali we want to help you. We can tell how much all of this is affecting you." I said

" all I need is some time alone."

"Ali you've had that alone time! You need to get outside and come back to school!" Em said encouragingly

"Whatever." She answered defeated.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Spencer asked

"Yeah Caleb made me something."

"Ali it looks like you're about to cry. What's wrong?" I asked seriously

"Nothing stop asking." She answers defensively

"Alison!" Emily yelled

"I don't want this baby!" She whispered

"Ali what do you mean?" Aria questioned

"I mean I don't want this stupid baby. I just I want it out of me right now." She said crying

"Alison it's way to late to abort you're due in two months." I said hugging her

"I just don't want this baby. It's not mine. I don't want it." She yelled and Caleb came in to the room.

"Maybe you girls should leave?" He suggested. The rest of the girls did but I stayed. She seems to trust me more than any of the girls. Even Emily surprisingly.

I waited a while before going back to see her. I knocked lightly on the door and I opened it. She was sleeping. I sat next to her in the bed and I played with her hair. It really hurt me to see her like this. I wanted to take all the pain away from her but I couldn't. I don't know what it feels like to be raped and from what I understand this happened more than once. I understand why she would want to give up this baby.

She woke up scared and breathing heavy. She probably had a nightmare.

"Alison you're fine. You're with me in Caleb's apartment. Breathe!" I said rubbing her back.

"Sorry." She whispered

"Ali we need to talk about all this." I brought up trying not to make her upset.

"I know Han it's just hard sometimes."

"I get that Ali and I'm sorry we upset you earlier we just worry about you. We're not used to seeing you like this!"

"I know I'm stupid and weak. I'm everything that I hate."

"Alison you are the most perfect person I know! All of us used to worship you before what happened! Now not so much because we got older and we lived our lives without you for so long. Now we want to do you the favour and protect you. We are all trying to be you right now even though we don't notice it!"

"Hanna that's not true."

"It is Ali. Now do me a favour and let's go outside. How long has it been since you've gone outside?"

"I don't even remember!" She said finally laughing. I fixed her hair and did her makeup and we left Caleb's apartment.

"See isn't this nice?" I said nudging her shoulder.

"I guess." She said smiling again

"Ali please reconsider keeping the baby I know it's not your a but you would be a great mother for this child ."

"I don't know Hannah. It's hard for me not knowing who the father is."

I didn't say anything and we were both just quiet. We stopped at a park bench to sit and Alison got an A message

"You give up this baby, you give up your life.

Pretty Little Liars: Alison is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now