Chapter 3: The Abilities

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I flew towards the house and all I saw were ashes. No doubt that this place was obliterated. Who would do this? Wait what's-

"Jesus Christ." What I saw was the remaining bones of the victims. Who in their right mind would do this to someone? I moved around some of the wreckage and found a picture. It had four adults and one kid.

"Jarvis, scan the photo and identify the people in it."

"Yes sir." I observed the photo more closely. There is an older couple, probably the victims of this explosion. Then there is another couple holding hands. They looked younger. Probably the friends of Fury. But who's the kid? He looked about eight and had brown hair and brown eyes. He looked a little small and had a lighter skin tone. Everybody in this picture is smiling.

"Sir? Sir are you all right?" I snap out of my daze. "Yes Jarvis I'm fine. Have you identify them?"

"Yes sir. The older couple are Ben and May Parker. They were the victims of the explosion. The younger couple are Richard and Mary Parker. The friends of Director Fury. The little boy is Peter Parker. He is the son of Richard and Mary Parker.

Something about that little boy was intriguing me. I can't put my finger on why I'm so interested in him. Could it be a gut feeling?

"Sir, Steve has successfully protected Richard and Mary Parker. You can go back to Avengers Tower." That's my Steve alright.

"Alright. But before we go, I want to take a sample of the wreckage to see what caused the explosion."

"Of course sir." I took a sample and took off.

*In the lab*

"Alright Jarvis, analyze the sample I took from the wreckage."

"Analyzing. I believe it will take a few days to finish analyzation."

"No worries, Jarvis. That just gives us time to kill." Then I heard the door open and as I looked up, I saw Steve walk in wearing his Captain America uniform. God, he looked hot. But where is his mask?

"Good afternoon, Steve."

"Good afternoon to you to, Jarvis."

"Why thank you sir." Steve walked right towards me and hugged me. I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong honey? Where's your mask?" He moved back and looked at me. His eyes are just so mesmerizing.

"Long story. I'll tell you later." Oh no. This is bad. Two special talks in one day. What could this be about now?

"No. Tell me now. Enough with the surprises." He instantly got a look of worry on his face. "Okay. Just please don't get mad at me."

This gonna be good.

He told me about the mission and about Peter. He said that he gave his mask to Peter.

"Alright. Skip to the part where I get mad." He had that worried look in his eye.

"I told the lady at the orphanage to mark Peter as unavailable." What he said slowly started to sink in.

"You did what now?" My voice was low but angry. Steve instantly got scared.

"Please don't get mad." He begged.

"HOW COULD I NOT GET MAD!" I shouted as loud as I could at him. He took a step back. I sighed.

"We talked about this. This is your problem, Steven. You don't think! You just do! You follow your stupid gut feeling and it gets us all fucked! Peter is now a target to all of our enemies! He is now constantly in danger! I'm not risking his life just so we both can get what we want! I don't want the same thing that happened to Pepper to happen to Peter and I don't want to fail as a dad! Plus... Plus... Oh God." After shouting as much as I could, I collapsed on my knees while clutching my chest. Steve ran towards me and kneeled down to me.

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