Chapter 6: A "Cure"

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Author's Note: Yeah, so I suck. I haven't updated in a year. Whoops. I have been hella busy. I haven't even had time to read anything, much less write a chapter. Sorry guys. This chapter is going to be short. Again. But I promise that once I start getting into the grove of things again, they will get longer. Hopefully, I will be able to update more often, but in the meantime, enjoy!

*a few months later*

The blaring sound of the alarm interrupted my slumber. My hand reached over for the alarm trying to hit the snooze button. Once I succeeded, I slowly sat up in my bed. Steve had gotten up early, as usual. A yawn escaped my lips as I checked the time. 11:45 am.

Once I regained my energy, I went through my morning routine of washing up. Change clothes, brush disheveled hair, brush teeth, and fall asleep while brushing my teeth. This usually took about fifteen minutes.

I made my way to the main living room area after I had finished. Steve was washing the dishes and Peter was playing on the Xbox we had gotten for him a few weeks ago. Steve looked over at me and smiled. "Morning, Sleepyhead."

I couldn't help but smile back. "Morning." Peter put his controller down and ran over to hug me. "Morning, Dad." I chuckled and gently picked him up. "Morning, Pete. How was your morning so far?" "I finally beat the level I was stuck on. It took me forever! But I did it!" He said with pride beaming from his face. I kissed his fore head and smiled wide. "That's great! I knew that you would be able to do it."

Steve dried his hands with a towel and walked over to us. I put Peter down and ruffled his hair. Steve wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "There are still some leftovers from breakfast if you're hungry." I smiled. "Thank you, Steve, but maybe later. I'm not really hungry right now." Steve nods and releases me.

I look over at Peter and see that he is back to his game. He does love that game of his.

"So, what do you got planned for today?" Steve asked me in a soft voice. I looked back over at him. "Nothing much. Just work in the lab. You know, science stuff." He nods. "Alright. I'm going to take Peter to the park later on. Maybe if you finish up earlier, you can come with us." I smiled. "I will finish up early then."

Steve smiled wide. "That's great. Well, you better get started so you can finish earlier." I smirked. "You trying to get rid of me?" Steve laughs. "Maybe." I roll my eyes. "Fine. Then I'll go." I said joking around. Steve smirks. "Not before I give you a kiss." He said before leaning in and gently kissing me.

"I love you, Tony." He said softly. I smiled. "I love you too." Peter looked over. "I love you, Dad." I smiled and looked over at him. "I love you too, Pete." I then left the room and made my way to the lab.

Bruce was already inside working on something when I walked in. His hair was messy and he looked tired. God, I hope I didn't look that tired all the time.

Bruce looked up at me. "Oh hey, Tony. Just the man I wanted to see. I need you over here." I nodded and approached him. "What's up?" He pushed his glasses up and ran his hand through his hair. "Remember the blood sample you gave me from Peter?" I nodded. "Well, I was looking into that more and I saw his genetics and how it was connected to his abilities." I nodded again. "Okay. And?" He placed his hands on the table leaning it on slightly and looked up at me. "I found a way to suppress his powers."

My eyes widened. "You did?" He nods. "Technically, yes, but it's not a permanent thing. I made these pills from scratch that are supposed to keep his abilities from showing up, but he has to take one everyday if you want it to be a long term thing."

I nodded. "Alright. Can you make more of these?" He nodded. "Yeah. Of course. That won't be hard." He paused. "Are you sure about this though? What if he wants to use his abilities in the future?"

I sighed. "I won't let it happen. I don't want him to do what we do. He will get hurt or worse. It's better if we just take his powers away completely." Bruce nodded again. "Alright. Sounds good to me. I wouldn't tell him that these are for his abilities. He might not take them if he knows what they are really for." I bit my lip. "I will think of something."

Bruce grabbed a small bottle and handed it to me. "Here. This is the first batch." I took the bottle and observed the pills inside through the clear plastic. "Will these have any negative side effects?" I asked with concern. Bruce shook his head. "Nope. None that I know of."

I looked back at him. "What if it doesn't work? Could this potentially harm him?" Bruce shook his head again. "Either it takes away his abilities or nothing happens to him. Those should be the only results." I nodded. "Thanks, Bruce. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I owe you one."

He shook his head and smiled. "Don't worry about it. You don't owe me a thing."

Author's Note Again: Yay! Another chapter is done. Woohoo! Hopefully the next one will come out sooner. It should. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Thank you for your incredible patience. :)

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