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You hopped in the shower a face of pain quickly washing over your face(ha.ha. washing get it ). You held your foot cursing at the razor that had fallen on it. "Shit ow" You hobbled over to the first aid kit on top of your dresser.

You'd lost a lot of blood. And that's when you had a panick attack. You weakly put on some clothes and dressed your wound. Your breathing quickened as the memories came flooding back.

"Oh god so much blood!" You cried replaying the scene of your sister dying in your arms. "NOOO! YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU!" the tears wouldn't stop streaming down your face.

You heard footsteps racing to your room."Ahhhhh" blood piercing screams echoed through your ears. Someone had picked you up and ran down the hallway. Questioning stares all around you as you passed more and more people.

Your hand subconsciously rose to your mouth feeling the urge to bite it. But why?
Just as your lips parted your hand was harshly grasped. You looked up your face full of rage, hatred, and sorrow.

"What the hell!" You yelled your vision was a blur but you threw all your strength into punching this person. Your fist swiftly collided with the persons eye and hard.

You heard the loud impact of their body hitting the floor. "Hahaha!" You laughed devilishly at their defeat.

"STOP!" You started to cry. "M-Molly?" You turned hearing the voice of your deceased sister. "How? It's not possible your a fake!" You yelled through gritted teeth.

"PLEASE STOP" the pleading continued. "Stop? After all you've done stop???" You walked towards the voice.

You were about to strike once more but you felt arms wrap around your back. "It's okay please calm down." The voice was soft and comforting. Your knees grew weak and you fell to the ground embracing the hug.

With no strength left in your body all you could do was cry. You then felt a sting in your upper thigh, not a few seconds later you passed out.

Yah so what do you think
You: I think I hate you for not updating in so long!
Me: I know I'm soo sorry gomen (*´>д<)
You: ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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